Category: Marriage, Family & Culture

Marx’s Apologists Should Be Red in the Face

Written by Dr. Paul G. Kengor

May 5 marked the bicentennial of Karl Marx, who set the stage with his philosophy for the greatest ideological massacres in history. Or did he?

He did, but deniers still remain. “Only a fool could hold Marx responsible for the Gulag,” writes Francis Wheen in “Karl Marx: A Life” (1999). Stalin, Mao and Kim Il Sung, Mr. Wheen insists, created “bastard creeds,” “wrenched out of context” from Marx’s writings.… Continue Reading


TAKE ACTION: Please contact your state representative by phone and email and encourage him/her to VOTE NO on the ERA (Bill #SJRCA4). The Capitol switchboard number is (217) 782-2000. Call and asked to be transferred to your his or her office to leave a message with their administrative assistant.… Continue Reading

Fear of the Left: The Most Powerful Force in America Today

Written by Dennis Prager

The dominant force in America and many other Western countries today is fear of the left.

This is a result of the fact that the most dynamic religion of the past 100 years has been neither Christianity nor Islam. It has been leftism. Whoever does not recognize this does not understand the contemporary world.

What is Leftism?

Leftism — in its incarnations, such as Marxism, communism and socialism; expressed through egalitarianism, environmentalism and feminism; in its denigration of capitalism and Western civilization, especially America and Israel; in its supplanting of Christianity and Judaism; through its influence on Christianity and Judaism; in its celebration of race; and in its replacing of reason with romanticism — has almost completely taken over the news and entertainment media and institutions of education.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: An Interview With Larry Jacobs of IOF

Written by John Biver

David Smith, the executive director of the IFI and IFA, recently sat down with Larry Jacobs, the Managing Director of World Congress of Families and the International Organization for the Family (IOF), at a recent IOF pro-life breakfast in Rockford.

They discussed the mission of the IOF at the United Nations, the Sexual Revolution, Muslims, birth rates, and procreating, as it pertains to following the LORD’s command to be fruitful and multiply (Gen 1:28; Gen 9:1; Gen 35:11).… Continue Reading

Leftists versus the People

Written by Jeffrey Folks

Do they really hate ordinary people that much?

Yes, they do.  For liberals, the distinction between the “dumb masses” and their enlightened selves renders life meaningful.  Disdain for ordinary folks is not just an ancillary trait of liberalism.  It is fundamental to the its nature.

At its heart, liberalism is a gnostic religion, and the essence of that religion is the believer’s faith that he possesses the means of changing the world for the better.  … Continue Reading

Why Liberals Need to Look Down on Conservatives

Written by Selwyn Duke

A common theme among progressives is that conservatives aren’t just wrong; they’re dumb.  Reagan was dumb.  G.W. Bush was dumb.  Trump is dumb.  “Knuckle-dragger,” “mouth-breather,” “stupid,” and “uncultured” are typical pejoratives hurled at conservatives, who apparently tend to live in trailer parks, require dental care, handle snakes, and marry first cousins.  Why, I had a liberal actor (excuse the redundancy) tell me once that I wasn’t necessarily bad, just not as “evolved” as he was.  … Continue Reading

How the Left Became So Intolerant

Written by Kim Holmes

When most people think of intolerance, they imagine a racist taunting a black person. Or they think of the white supremacist who killed a demonstrator in Charlottesville, Virginia.

It seldom occurs to them that intolerance comes in all political shapes and sizes.

A protester storming a stage and refusing to let someone speak is intolerant. So, too, are campus speech codes that restrict freedom of expression. A city official threatening to fine a pastor for declining to marry a gay couple is every bit as intolerant as a right-winger wanting to punish gays with sodomy laws.… Continue Reading

The Root of Sexual Scandals

Written by Teddy James

It seems every week there is another accusation and admittance of sexual misconduct. It is discouraging, disheartening, and disgusting to learn the men we welcomed into our homes through television and movies were doing these things.

On a personal level, I think these stories should come to light. Men who violate women should face justice and be held accountable.

But as these stories develop and new stories are told, we must remember these are fruits of much bigger and deeper problems.… Continue Reading

Sexual Misconduct, the Loss of Virtue, and the Rise of Careers

Written by Dean Abbott

The worst, and therefore most likely, outcome of the current rash of sexual misconduct accusations is that people will continue to think they are primarily about bodies, about who touched whose body, about who exposed his body when he shouldn’t have.  That most of us currently already assume that such incidents are mostly about bodies itself indicates our lack of vision.

Such interactions are really about souls – about the collective soul of our nation, and the sickness infecting it.… Continue Reading

George Washington Taken from the Heights

Written by Michael Curtis

By Jove, by Jing, by George is the thing!  Can we say it isn’t so?  We thought we knew Washington.  As the proverb says, a good name is rather to be chosen than great riches.  It’s taken some time for the truth to be revealed, though no doubt a special counsel searching for less in good names would have taken even longer to find out whether, among other things, the father of the United States was in collusion with the Russians.  … Continue Reading