Written by Aynaz Anni Cyrus
Fourteen years ago my life changed forever as I arrived in the United States, holding tightly to hope and a promise.
That promise was freedom and a dream of a better life.
I entered this beautiful country as a documented immigrant at the age of 18 in August 2002, almost one year after 9/11. After surviving 15 years of oppression under Sharia in Iran, I felt older than my years. I had seen too much and I knew all too well the suffering of those who were subjected to Islam.… Continue Reading

Written by Paul Eidelberg
We need a politically incorrect and radically new multi-disciplinary and multinational understanding of Islam.
To speak of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam as the “three Abrahamic faiths” or as the “three religions of the Book,” or, more significantly, as the “three monotheisms,” obscures rather than illuminates. These familiar tropes, says theologian George Weigel, ought to be retired.
The eminent French scholar Alain Besançon agrees. He writes, “The Abraham of Genesis is not the Ibrahim of the Qur’an; Moses is not Moussa.… Continue Reading
Tags: Alain Besançon, Bat Ye’or, Christianity, Civilization and Its Enemies, George Weigel, Islam, Judaism, Lou Harris, Said Raja’i-Khorassani, Wafa Sultan
Islam & Sharia | David E. Smith |
September 9, 2016 7:05 AM |
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Written by Daniel Greenfield
Nation-building has become a very controversial term. And with good reason. Our conviction that we can reconstruct any society into another America is unrealistic. It ignores our own exceptionalism and overlooks the cultural causes of many conflicts. It assumes that a change of government and open elections can transform a tribal Islamic society into America. They can’t and won’t.
But it’s also important to recognize that what we have been doing isn’t nation-building, but Islam-
building.… Continue Reading
Tags: Arab Spring, Baathists, Barack Obama, Coptic Christians, Daniel Greenfield, Hillary Clinton, Iraq War, ISIS, Islamic State, Muslim Brotherhood, Nation-building, Saddam Hussein, Shiites, Sunnis, Yazidis
Islam & Sharia | David E. Smith |
September 7, 2016 4:00 AM |
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Written by Daniel Horowitz
Anyone who has worked in immigration policy or has spoken to ranchers and border agents over the years knows that Middle Eastern jihadists have been infiltrating our southern border for quite some time. It wasn’t until today, however, that an intelligence report vouching for this reality was leaked from the U.S. Military’s Southern Command.
The Washington Free Beacon’s Bill Gertz got wind of the intelligence report and solicited an on-the-record comment from a spokesperson for Southern Command:
“Networks that specialize in smuggling individuals from regions of terrorist concern, mainly from the Afghanistan-Pakistan region, the Middle East, and East Africa, are indeed a concern for Southcom and other interagency security partners who support our country’s national security,” Garcia told the Washington Free Beacon.
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Tags: Bill Gertz, border control, Daniel Horowitz, Hamas, illegal aliens, immigration, Islam, Jihad, La Raza, Palestinian, Sharia Law, Stolen Sovereignty
Federal Issues, Islam & Sharia | Admin |
August 30, 2016 4:00 AM |
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Written by Andrew C. McCarthy
Despite weeks of Obama administration stonewalling of refreshingly persistent media inquiries about its outrageous – and, I believe, illegal – transfer to Iran of $400 million in foreign currency in an unmarked cargo plane, the Wall Street Journal has confirmed that the payment was, in fact, a ransom payment for the release of American hostages.
The White House and State Department have insisted that there was absolutely, positively, cross-their-hearts no connection between (a) an agreed-upon prisoner swap in which American hostages held by Iran were released, and (b) the settlement of Iran’s claim regarding $400 million (plus interest) withheld by the United States in connection with a failed 1970s arms deal.
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Tags: Barack Obama, Carol E. Lee, Emanuele Ottolenghi, Hassan Rouhani, Hostages, Iran, Jay Solomon, John Kirby, Mike Lee, Qods Force, Ransom Payment, Ted Cruz, Wall Street Journal
Federal Issues, Islam & Sharia | David E. Smith |
August 19, 2016 11:00 AM |
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Written by Don Irvine
The terrorist attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando on June 12 has sparked the usual knee-jerk reactions from politicians and the liberal media for more gun control legislation, in the mistaken belief that such laws might have prevented the attack as well as future attacks.
One of the biggest lies with regard to the Orlando attack is the type of weapon that was used. The media are pushing the narrative that Omar Mateen had an assault weapon—originally identified as an AR-15 before being correctly identified as a Sig Sauer MCX—and that it is a “military” weapon.… Continue Reading
Tags: AR-15, Gun Owners of America, Islam, Larry Pratt, MSNBC, Omar Mateen, Orlando, Pink Pistols, Terror, Thomas Roberts
Federal Issues, Islam & Sharia, Media Watch | David E. Smith |
June 23, 2016 6:13 AM |
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Written by Michael Gryboski
Social liberals are using the Orlando shooting massacre to ignite a “war on Christianity,” according to prominent conservative columnist David French.
Last weekend, 29-year-old Omar Mateen murdered 49 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida. During the attack Mateen called 911 and pledged support for the Islamic State terror group.
Despite Mateen’s stated ideological leanings, some liberal journalists and social commentators are blaming conservative Christians instead, French said in the National Review on Wednesday.
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Tags: Barack Obama, Boyce College, Chase Strangio, David French, Defense of Marriage Act, Denny Burk, Hillary Clinton, Islamic State, Michael Gryboski, Omar Mateen, Orlando Shooting, Reichstag fire
Islam & Sharia, Religious Liberty | David E. Smith |
June 20, 2016 8:01 AM |
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Written by Gary Bauer
Whenever the subject of Muslim immigration comes up, the debate often centers around whether we have an effective process to weed out potential jihadists. There is more than one example, more than one dead American, to suggest we do not.
Earlier this week, we reported that many Muslim immigrants are not assimilating into British culture and often reject the values of Western Civilization. There is no reason to assume that Muslims coming to America are much different.… Continue Reading

Written by Dr. Michael Brown
I do not believe that President Obama is a Muslim, but I have no doubt that he reveres Islam and that he is an apologist for Islam. Is there really any question about it?
I posted comments similar to this on social media December 5th in the aftermath of the San Bernardino massacre before reading that Sen. Ted Cruz had commented that, “We have a president right now, who at times operates as an apologist for radical Islamic terrorists.”… Continue Reading

Written by Jonah Goldberg
Dear Reader (Including those of you stunned by the news that Charlie Sheen has a sexually transmitted disease. Not since Jim J. Bullock announced he was gay have I been more shocked),
If you Google “Christian terrorism,” you’re probably a [Leftists] to begin with. But if you do — bidden not by your own drive to [liberalism] but by the natural curiosity inspired by this “news”letter — you’ll find lots of left-wing trollery about how the worst terrorist attacks on American soil have been committed by Christians.… Continue Reading