Category: IFA News

February Matching Challenge for IFA

I am pleased to announce that in an effort to help Illinois Family ACTION raise $40,000 by the end of February, two generous donors have offered to match donations to IFI all the way up to $20,000! So between now and the end of this month, you can double the impact of your giving!

Last year, a handful of legislative votes stood between pro-family policies and further cultural decay in Springfield. If we had had the support of only three more pro-life lawmakers in the Illinois House, your tax dollars would not be paying for abortions today.… Continue Reading

Social Media Tools For Social Conservatives!

Written by Tami Jackson

In 2012, Barack Obama was running for a second term for President of the United States. The U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, had been attacked by Islamic terrorists. United States Ambassador Chris Stevens, IMO Sean Smith, and CIA Contractors and former Navy SEALS Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were all killed in the attack. Yet, the White House and State Department, under the lead of Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, lied repeatedly about the nature and cause of the attack.… Continue Reading

2016 General Election Endorsements


The November 8th General Election is just around the corner! Prior to going to the polls, make sure that you know where your candidates stand on life, natural marriage (one man/one woman), and religious freedom.  Please take a moment to check out IFA’s online voter guide at:

As in every election cycle, we have the blessing of being part of something that’s extraordinary, which most of the world can only dream of doing. We get to participate in self-government by casting our vote for local, state and federal officials.… Continue Reading

Presenting IFA’s New Podcast

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Written by David E. Smith

We are excited to announce a new Illinois Family Action (IFA) feature: podcasting! For those who are unfamiliar, a podcast is simply a digital audio recording that is easily listened to and shared with others through a computer or smart phone. Podcasts are a convenient and popular way to reach, educate, and connect with an audience.

Our podcast, Illinois Family Spotlight, will be a weekly podcast that provides analysis of and commentary on political and cultural events and issues.… Continue Reading

Can You Help Us?


Dear IFA Friends,

I am reluctantly coming to you to ask you for your financial help, but I need to ask you: Will you consider an online donation of $15 or more to support the work of Illinois Family Action (IFA)?

Five members of the Illinois Family organization are going to the Illinois Republican Party convention this weekend, not only to promote our pro-life, pro-family, pro-marriage message, but to defend the current Platform from liberal attempts to weaken the life and marriage planks. … Continue Reading

IFA in Springfield TONIGHT: “Agenda 2: Masters of Deceit”


When:  Thursday, April 28th
Where:  iWorshipCenter (map)
Time:  6:30 PM

Written by David E. Smith

After Curtis Bowers, a former Idaho state representative, wrote a letter to the editor about the drastic changes in America’s culture, it became the feature story on the evening news, people protested at the Capitol, and for weeks the local newspapers were filled with responses.

He realized then that he’d hit on something. So, he began to investigate and found an abundance of evidence proving how the Left is advancing a “progressive” socialist agenda.… Continue Reading

The BEST Online Voter Guide!

IFA_Voter Guide online_2016_less_text is the most comprehensive voter guide you will find!

The March 15th election is just around the corner — it’s time to get serious! Primary Elections are in many ways the more important election because it is in this election voters decided between the “okay,” “mushy-middle” or the “hold-my-nose” candidates and the “better” or “best” candidates.

And with the countdown to election day on, Illinois Family Action (IFA) wants to remind you that we have an excellent online voter guide that will equip you with the most comprehensive information on the candidates so that you can confidently choose those who best reflect your values. … Continue Reading

Are You Ready to Vote?

IFA_Voter Guide online

Written by David E. Smith is the most comprehensive voter guide you will find!

But first…

TODAY is the last day to register to vote online for the March 15th Primary Election. Illinois still allows for people to register to vote after today, but not online and at limited locations. Check with the IL State Board of Elections for details.

The Primary election is in many ways the more important election because it is in this election voters decided between the “okay,” “mushy-middle” or the “hold-my-nose” candidates and the “better” or “best” candidates.… Continue Reading

“Agenda 2: Masters of Deceit” Screenings in Rockford, Arlington Heights & Collinsville


Written by David E. Smith

After Curtis Bowers, a former Idaho state representative, wrote a letter to the editor about the drastic changes in America’s culture, it became the feature story on the evening news, people protested at the Capitol, and for weeks the local newspapers were filled with responses.

He realized then that he’d hit on something. So, he began to investigate and found an abundance of evidence proving how the Left is advancing a “progressive” socialist agenda.… Continue Reading

Join Us in Collinsville on Feb. 28th for the Screening of “Agenda 2: Masters of Deceit”

Join fellow conservatives for a dynamic movie night featuring one of the top compelling films that portrays the true story of how America’s institutions have been infiltrated by Progressive activists who seek the overthrow of America’s traditional culture from within.  Click HERE to watch the trailer.

IFA to Host_Agenda 2_Collinsville


Click HERE for a map to this location. 

For more information, call the IFA office at (708) 781-9371Continue Reading