Category: LGBTQ Agenda

Which Candidate Will Protect Our Daughters?


Written by Bryan Fischer

An O’Fallon, Missouri man was arrested on April 23 after allegedly secretly filming women in a Target dressing room.

Matthew Foerstel, 26, faces felony charges for invasion of privacy in the second degree and unlawful possession of a firearm.

The Brentwood Police Department arrested Foerstel on April 23 after he allegedly held a camera phone under a dressing room door while a female shopper tried on swim suits at the Target store in Brentwood.… Continue Reading

Instruments of Our Own Oppression: The State of Black America

Written by Rev. Dr. Eric M. Wallace, PhD.

In 1907, Bal Gangadhar Tilak addressed the Indian National Congress as the nation of India struggled to shake off British empirical rule. Tilak, and others, were determined to achieve independence from Great Britain; and to establish self-rule as a nation and people.

Tilak argued that independence was within the grasp of his countrymen, particularly because Britain’s control over India was due, in fact, to those Indians responsible for assisting the British.… Continue Reading

Cruz Defends North Carolina from Trump


Written by Maggie Gallagher

With the Left attacking North Carolina as if it were, oh say, Saudi Arabia for wanting to protect the privacy rights of women in bathrooms and locker rooms, The Donald ran for cover (as I reported).

Guess who is running towards the good people of North Carolina and common sense values? Lion Ted:

“There have been very few complaints the way it is,” Trump told The Today Show. “People go, they use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate, there has been so little trouble.”

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John Kasich Tells Christians to ‘Get Over It’ On Religious Liberty


Written by Joe Newby

For the second time, the George Soros-funded John Kasich told Christians to “get over it” on religious liberty laws and laws that require people to use the bathroom designated for the gender with which they were born.

“What I’d like to say is, just relax,” he said during an appearance at CNN. “If you don’t like what somebody’s doing, pray for them, and if you feel as though somebody is doing something wrong against you, can you just for a second get over it?… Continue Reading

Kasich: I ‘Probably’ Wouldn’t Sign Bill Keeping Men Out of Women’s Restrooms


Written by Ben Johnson

John Kasich said on Sunday that he would “probably not” sign a bill preventing biological males from using women’s restrooms, locker rooms, and showers – and those who are hung up on the issue should “take a deep breath,” “chill out,” and “get over it.”

Face the Nation” moderator John Dickerson ended his interview with the the Ohio governor and presidential hopeful by asking if Kasich would sign a bill similar to the one enacted by North Carolina Gov.Continue Reading

A Progressive Bully’s Scorched Earth Tactics

Written by Robert Knight

What do most Republican presidential candidates have in common with dozens of Christian, pro-family and patriotic organizations?

They’re prominently featured in the Southern Poverty Law Center’s latest report, “The Year in Hate and Extremism.”

The cover has a large picture of an open-mouthed Donald Trump, under whom are a masked terrorist, the Islamist San Bernardino mass murderers, other hate crime suspects, a Nazi Swastika, columnist Ann Coulter, Center for National Security President Frank Gaffney, and, of course, the Confederate battle flag.… Continue Reading

Student Privacy Bill in Springfield


Written by Laurie Higgins

State Representative Tom Morrison (R-Palatine) introduced the bi-partisan Pupil Physical Privacy Act (HB 4474), which if passed would require the following:

[A] school board to designate each pupil restroom, changing room, or overnight facility accessible by multiple pupils simultaneously, whether located in a public school building or located in a facility utilized by the school for a school-sponsored activity, for the exclusive use of pupils of only one sex.

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Cruz: No, I Won’t Let Boys Into Girls Showers


Written by Aaron Bandler

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) said on Thursday that he would ensure that men wouldn’t be allowed to go into women’s bathrooms if he were elected president.

The Advocate reported Cruz made his comments on conservative radio talk show host Steven Crowder’s radio show, in which Crowder said that people get offended for using “genetically proper pronouns.”

The Advocate reported what transpired:

“Look, these guys are so nutty that the federal government is going after school districts, trying to force them to let boys shower with little girls,” Cruz responded.

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Ohio Gov. John Kasich at GOP Debate: “I Went to a Gay Wedding”


Written by Samuel Smith

As the question “Would you attend a same-sex wedding?” has been thrown at many Republican presidential candidates following June’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling, Ohio Gov. John Kasich declared during Thursday night’s Fox News Republican presidential debate that he has, in fact, attended a gay wedding.

When asked by Fox host Megyn Kelly how he would explain his opposition to gay marriage to a hypothetical gay son or lesbian daughter, the former chairman of the U.S.… Continue Reading

Huckabee: If the GOP Avoids Social Issues, It’s A Sure Way to Lose in 2016


Mike Huckabee with reporters in Tinley Park Friday – Photo credit: Al Ashworth

Written by Fran Eaton

At the RISE Initiative at the Tinley Park Convention Center Friday, GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee answered a question asked by an Illinois Review reporter:

“Social conservatives in Illinois are feeling pushed out of their Party. Could you address that issue as to how important it is for social conservatives stay involved … in whatever party they pick?”

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