Category: LGBTQ Agenda

Laurier University and the Transsexual Pronoun War

Written by Ben Cohen

Wilfrid Laurier University teaching assistant Lindsay Shepherd, never anticipated she would be at the center of a media firestorm. Earlier this year, Shepherd showed her class an excerpt of a panel discussion on gender neutral pronouns and Canadian anti-discrimination law. The panel featured five guests, including Canadian psychologist Jordan B. Peterson.

After one or more students complained, the university reprimanded Shepherd for creating a toxic environment. When Shepherd leaked secretly recorded audio of two professors and an administrator reprimanding her, the university faced widespread condemnation and apologized to Shepherd.… Continue Reading

WHERE is Congress on Court’s (Self-)Mutilation of the Military?

Written by Daniel Horowitz


Throughout our series on judicial tyranny, I’ve been trying to conjure up analogies and metaphors to describe the absurdity of judicial supremacism. Yet, no degree of absurdity or hyperbole could capture what was just promulgated from the mouth of a federal district judge.

Forget about legislating from the bench or even nullifying the Constitution; D.C. District Court Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly issued an order Monday changing the laws of biology and ordered the Pentagon to admit anyone who decides to castrate themselves into the military by Jan.… Continue Reading

Who Is Mocking the Pence Rule Now?

Written by Daniel John Sobieski

The chickens of the era of moral relativism are coming home to roost in the scandals that have rocked the studios of Hollywood, the green rooms of media moguls, and the cloak rooms of Congress. Are the cases of Matt Lauer, Harvey Weinstein, John Conyers, and Charlie Rose et al any surprise in an era where traditional marriage and fidelity to one spouse of the opposite sex have been under assault and routinely mocked?… Continue Reading

Three Convincing Reasons to Boycott Target this Christmas

Written by Tim Wildmon

We realize that a great many American shoppers will begin shopping for Christmas … immediately after Thanksgiving.

Target is hoping that you won’t care that they allow men into women’s bathrooms and changing rooms and will do your Christmas shopping with them. AFA knows that you do care.

Here are three convincing reasons you shouldn’t shop Target this Christmas:

Sexual Predators

Despite Target’s denial that men entering women’s rooms is a problem, the reality remains that it is a major problem.… Continue Reading

“Progressives” Suddenly “Woke” to Sexual Harassment!

Written by Laurie Higgins

Youngish Democratic Strategist Christy Setzer, apparently so profoundly ignorant of history, believes that the country has just now become “woke” to the seriousness of the offense of sexual harassment.

During an appearance on “Tucker Carlson TonightWednesday night when asked by Carlson about the dismissive or hostile responses of liberal politicians and their media sycophants to women who accused miscreant Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct, Setzer revealed either her ignorance or her deceitfulness or both:

I think when you look back at what happened 25 years ago with the hindsight that we have now, particularly with the national, collective moment that we’re having where women are coming out of the woodwork to finally be able to tell their stories of being sexually harassed, sexually assaulted, being even raped, we’d see [Clinton’s] story and his behavior toward women a lot differently than we did at the time.

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Trump Should Ignore Judge on Transgenders

Written by Bryan Fischer

U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly is a lowly U.S. District Court judge in the District of Columbia. She is not the Commander-in-Chief.

Yet she has somehow appointed herself commandant of the entire United States military in an astonishing display of hubris and judicial supremacy. She ruled this week that transgenders must be allowed to serve in the military, overturning the president’s executive order on the matter.

U.S. Senatorial candidate Judge Roy Moore, who knows a thing or two about confronting an out-of-control judiciary, today called for this judge’s impeachment, and of course he is right to do so.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Stephen Black Talks About A Life Without Labels

Written by Benjamin Smith

Stephen Black once considered himself “gay” but now is a Christian family man and the director of First Stone Ministries, which helps people overcome homosexuality like he did. He joins Monte Larrick to discuss his testimony, child abuse role in homosexuality and transgenderism, the process of healing and freedom from homosexuality, and christian counseling for homosexuals and transgenders, including a new Illinois law that places a ban on reparative therapy for minors.… Continue Reading

U.S. Senate to Trump: Force Transgenders on Military

Written by Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD

“New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, a Democrat, and Maine Sen. Susan Collins, a Republican, introduced a bipartisan amendment to protect transgender service members from President Trump’s plan to ban them from the military,” reports Time.

“The amendment introduced Monday would prohibit the Department of Defense from dismissing current transgender service members ‘solely on the basis of the member’s gender identity,’ Senators said in a statment.

“Any individual who wants to join our military and meets the standards should be allowed to serve, period.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Politics of Hate, Transgenders in the Military and Birth Certificates

Written by Benjamin Smith

Monte Larrick recently interviewed Peter LaBarbera for this week’s Spotlight podcast. Peter is the founder and president of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, a Naperville-based organization that exposes and counters the radical LGBTQIA agenda. He is a former reporter for The Washington Times, worked as a writer, editor and analyst for Family Research Council and Concerned Women for America, and was a speaker for Focus on the Family.

Monte and Peter discuss the extreme agenda to promote gender dysphoria and President Trump’s military transgender ban.… Continue Reading

The Terrifying Changes Britain has Seen Since Instituting Same-Sex “Marriage”

Written by Joshua Denton

Roughly four years ago, then Prime Minister David Cameron announced that MP’s would decide whether or not to redefine the meaning of marriage. The announcement came as somewhat of a surprise as David Cameron had not made any mention whatsoever in his pre-election manifesto (or platform) signalling his intention to initiate this possible shift.

In the ensuing chaos leading up to the vote, David Burrows MP, a mild-mannered supporter of the ‘Coalition for Marriage’, had excrement thrown at his house.… Continue Reading