Category: Federal Issues

Giuliani Doubles Down: Obama Doesn’t Love America


A former mayor of New York City and one-time presidential hopeful isn’t backing down from his critical comments about President Obama.

Last Wednesday evening, Rudy Giuliani said he doesn’t believe Barack Obama loves America and offered a list of reasons why. Giuliani’s comments drew fierce reaction, even from Fox News host Megyn Kelly, who during “The Kelly File” stated there was “outrage and backlash” at the remarks the 2008 presidential candidate made at a private fundraiser for Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, a prospective GOP presidential candidate for 2016.… Continue Reading

Take the Presidential Competency Exam!


Written by Matt Barber

Dear candidate for president of the United States:

Congratulations on your decision to pursue a career as leader of the free world. The following exam, while in no way comprehensive, is intended to assess your basic qualifications and level of occupational competency. Though a failing grade does not automatically exclude you from being elected by low-information voters, hipster millennials, liberal yuppies plagued by white guilt and lesbian feminists with sleeve tattoos, it does strongly indicate that you are better suited for a career in an industry requiring no experience whatsoever and few, if any, measurable skills.… Continue Reading

Like Obamacare? You Will Love ObamaNet


Written by Deroy Murdock

In his relentless drive to leave no aspect of American life unmolested, Obama’s next stop is cyberspace. Having “reformed” U.S. medicine, Obama now aims to “repair” the World Wide Web. If you like Obamacare, you will love ObamaNet.

On February 26, the Federal Communications Commission will vote on a “net neutrality” proposal to regulate broadband networks as if they were telephone monopolies from the days when copper wire was high tech. ObamaNet would let Uncle Sam intervene in the price, product-innovation, and capacity decisions of Internet Service Providers (ISPs).… Continue Reading

Treason: Obama Aids the Enemy

Barak Obama-United States-Politics

Written by Matt Barber

Well, that didn’t take long. This summer after Barack Obama inexplicably (and illegally) freed five of the Taliban’s most deadly terrorists in exchange for army deserter Bowe Bergdahl, I asked a burning question – a question that remains unanswered: “What will it take for our spineless U.S. Congress to impeach this tyrant? This is way beyond partisan politics. This is about justice. This is about the safety of the American people.… Continue Reading

Forget Brian Williams, it’s Hillary Clinton’s lie that matters


Written by Joseph Curl

One rainy evening, three people walked into a bar and sat down. One was grim, another solemn, while the sole woman among them was absolutely giddy. The bartender poured a few shots of whiskey and said to the trio, “Why so grim, so solemn, so giddy?”

The grim man with squinty eyes and a huge forehead went first. “My life is over. I ‘conflated’ a couple of war stories, said I was aboard a helicopter in Iraq that got shot down when I wasn’t.… Continue Reading

The SPLC Goes After Dr. Ben Carson


Written by David E. Smith

In October 2014, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) put Dr. Benjamin Carson on its “Extremist Watch List.” Why?  Because the good Christian doctor holds to a traditional and orthodox view of marriage: one man and one woman.

Who else is on this “Extremist Watch List“?  Neo-Nazis, KKK members and skinheads.

This is beyond outrageous, and clearly demonstrates how out-of-touch this far left organization has become.  If they were willing to label, slander and malign Dr.… Continue Reading

The Big Lie: 5.6% Unemployment

Job Fair

Written by Jim Clifton

Here’s something that many Americans — including some of the smartest and most educated among us — don’t know: The official unemployment rate, as reported by the U.S. Department of Labor, is extremely misleading.

Right now, we’re hearing much celebrating from the media, the White House and Wall Street about how unemployment is “down” to 5.6%. The cheerleading for this number is deafening. The media loves a comeback story, the White House wants to score political points and Wall Street would like you to stay in the market.… Continue Reading

Senator Ted Cruz Re-Introduces State Marriage Defense Act


Written by David E. Smith

Far too many Republican politicians have decided to keep their heads down and their mouths shut when it comes to the very devisive and controversial issue of marriage redefinition.  However, that is not the case with U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) and 11 fellow Senators.  They have re-introduced the State Marriage Defense Act, which upholds the traditional understanding and definition of marriage and protects states from the federal government’s efforts to force any other definition upon them.… Continue Reading

U.S. House Speaker Disappointing Traditional Marriage Advocates


Written by Chad Groening

An Ohio-based pro-family activist is disappointed that House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) is refusing to take a stand for traditional marriage.

The U.S. Supreme Court recently announced that it will hear cases from four states that have statutes that only permit marriage between one man and one woman. The high court is expected to decide whether laws can limit marriage to one man and one woman and whether states are legally required to recognize same-sex unions from other states.… Continue Reading

Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana Most Conservative States


 Illinois is listed as the 14th most liberal state in the Union.

Written by Frank Newport

Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana are the most right-leaning states in the union, with between 46% and 49% of residents in each identifying as politically conservative. Massachusetts, Vermont and Hawaii are the most left-leaning, with 30% of residents in each of those states identifying as liberal.

Top 10 Conservative States

Top 10 Liberal States

The top 10 most conservative states in 2014 are very similar to the top 10 in 2013, with the exception of Louisiana, which was not in the top 10 list in 2013, but replaced Wyoming in the top 10 this year.

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