Category: Federal Issues

Hillary Clinton Faces Legal and Political Obstacles in Presidential Bid

150310151113-nr-hillary-qa-email-2-large-169Written by Roger Aronoff

This is not how Hillary Clinton’s run for the White House was supposed to go: full of never-ending scandals, with a close primary competitor, and two FBI investigations. There is but one week to go before the Iowa caucuses, where the first votes in this year’s presidential race will finally be cast.

While Hillary Clinton is still the clear leader in national polls and likely to receive the nomination, the numbers are extremely close in Iowa between Hillary and the democratic socialist candidate Sen.Continue Reading

Rejecting False Liberal Choices


Written by Robert Knight

Over and over, progressives give us simplistic formulae, plus name calling if we’re on the “wrong” side of an issue.

This is not happenstance; it’s the way they shame people into adopting their agenda or at the very least silencing opponents.

When Democrats were selling Obamacare, then-Majority Leader Sen. Harry Reid decried Tea Party members as “evil mongers.” Americans were either selfish skinflints or compassionate souls who favored healthcare for all. If you opposed Obamacare, you hated the poor.… Continue Reading

U.S. Rep Trey Gowdy Instructs DHS Official About Civil Rights


Written by David E. Smith

U.S. Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) is one of the more high-profile and well-respected conservative lawmakers in Washintgon D.C.  He continues to prove his understanding of the U.S. Constitution and his remarkable rhetorical abilities, this time by dismantling the arguments of an administration gun control advocate who appeared before the U.S. House Oversight Committee.

During a recent committee hearing, Gowdy had some probing questions for Department of Homeland Security Deputy Assistant Secretary Kelli Ann Burriesci.Continue Reading

Hoodwinked by Congress


Written by Tim Wildmon, President AFA

On Friday, the U.S. House of Representatives will vote on a $1.1 trillion bloated spending bill to fund the government for the next year. In it, the Republican-led House of Representatives bill will fully fund Planned Parenthood for 2016.

There are many other defects in this budget, including funding for President Obama’s plan to bring an unlimited number of unvetted Syrian refugees into this country.

But what should be a showstopper for pro-life Americans is the full funding of Planned Parenthood, an organization which is using your money and mine to traffic in baby body parts so their executives can drive around in Lamborghinis.… Continue Reading

Republican Congress Thwarts American People, Passes Obama-Backed Education Bill


Written by Jane Robbins

Several Republican presidential candidates had a great opportunity over the last two weeks to take the lead on an issue critical to millions of conservatives – federal control over public education. A couple helped their cause, a couple did not, and one blasted further down into the crater he’s been in from the beginning.

On Wednesday, the U.S. Senate followed the U.S. House in passing the conference report reauthorizing No Child Left Behind.… Continue Reading

What Will Rubio Do to Protect Traditional Believers Here at Home?

Written by Maggie Gallagher

Sen. Rubio has begun a concerted outreach to evangelicals meeting with pastors in a scene reported through David Brody, who is both widely read himself by evangelicals and the “interpreter” of evangelicals for a lot of political reporters.

Rubio is vowing never to change his beliefs on “traditional” marriage and on abortion. That is good. But the real question is: what will you do to protect the civil rights of traditional believers whom the left is redefining as racists?… Continue Reading

How Much Damage Can He Do in His Last Year in Office?


Obama Has Just Begun

Written by Victor Davis Hanson

Insidiously and inadvertently, Barack Obama is alienating the people and moving the country to the right. If he keeps it up, by 2017 it will be a reactionary nation. But, counterintuitive as it seems, that is fine with Obama: Après nous le déluge.

By sheer force of his personality, Obama has managed to lose the Democratic Senate and House. State legislatures and governorships are now predominantly Republican.… Continue Reading

U.S. Officials Can’t Ask Syrian Refugees Key Questions


The Obama administration appears to have taken yet another terrorism-fighting tool away from U.S. law enforcement trying to screen Syrian refugees.

Written by Kyle Schideler

U.S. law enforcement officials involved in screening Syrian refugees are forbidden from asking key questions about individuals’ religious affiliations or beliefs based on policy guidance created by the Obama administration, according to a recent report published at The Daily Caller.

The piece notes that both Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) policies have increasingly restricted the ability of law enforcement to query individuals about their religious behaviors or associations.

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Obama’s Distorted Strategy


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While France remains in a state of shock over the ISIS terrorist attacks in Paris, they are also most likely confused and disappointed over President Obama’s declaration that there will be no fundamental change to his current policy and strategy to “now contain and defeat ISIS.” During his Nov. 12 remarks in Antalya, Turkey, Mr. Obama appeared to be petulant and arrogant when responding to legitimate reporter’s questions, perhaps a “crack” in the carefully constructed veneer that has concealed his true character and now has been exposed.

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10 Terrorism Cases Brought Against Refugees and Legal Immigrants Just This Year in the US


Written by Fred Lucas

President Barack Obama offered assurances this week that Syrian refugees coming into the United States would be thoroughly vetted to ensure they were not involved with terrorism — even though this year multiple terrorism charges were brought against immigrants and refugees across the country who had at one point made it through government vetting to become U.S. citizens, legal residents or attain refugee status.

“As president, my first priority is the safety of the American people and that’s why, even as we accept more refugees — including Syrians — we do so only after subjecting them to rigorous screening and security checks,” Obama said Monday in Turkey, wrapping up the G-20 meeting.… Continue Reading