Category: Faith & Religion
Why Do They Hate Us?
Written by Thorin Anderson
Not that long ago, surveys reported that over 90% of Americans claimed to believe in God and to be moderately religious. However, with the ascendency of the Left and the vitriol of the media and academia against Christianity over the last few years, the percentage of Americans identifying with Christianity has dropped significantly. But the Left is no longer content to merely mock Christians. They now openly hate us and seek to silence us.… Continue Reading
SPOTLIGHT: What’s At Stake For Believers In the 2020 Election
Written by David E. Smith
Difficult questions deserve wise, well-reasoned, and truthful answers. During the Q&A session of the 2020 IFI Worldview Conference, Dr. Michael Brown and Dr. Robert Gagnon provided just such answers to some tough questions. Drawing from the authority of Scripture and their areas of expertise, Drs. Brown and Gagnon addressed queries regarding pro-life activism, freedom of speech and religious freedom, the Equality Act, homosexuality and transgenderism issues, and the implications for Christians in the upcoming election.… Continue Reading
Church Leaders Sell Their Souls to the Democratic Party
Written by Dr. Everett Piper
Over the past couple of months, while the world has been distracted by all-things-COVID-19, a very important bit of news slipped under our radar and went virtually unnoticed. The contemporary church sold its soul to the Devil for a pot of political porridge.
Consider the evidence.
Last week “pro-life” evangelicals across the land started stumbling over themselves to endorse a political party and a candidate who is openly against life and against evangelicals.… Continue Reading
Why Do They Hate God?
Written by Rev. Thorin Anderson
As a Christian and a pastor, I have spent a lot of time getting to know God. It goes with the territory! But it raises a serious question in my mind. Why do so many have such a visceral hatred for God? Of course, I know the answer, but I think everyone needs to understand what this attitude is really about.
First, I have known since I was young that God is good, but my studies have helped me to understand more accurately how good He is. … Continue Reading
SPOTLIGHT: Rev. Graham Says, “Only God Can Fix It”
Written by David E. Smith
Is 2020 the worst year ever? With the combination of a global pandemic, violence, looting, rioting, and devastating wildfires, plus the drama of a fiercely contested general election, this year might seem to be a strong contender for such a dubious honor. So, what should a Christian do when faced with 2020’s chaos and uncertainty? According to Rev. Franklin Graham we must put our trust in Almighty God!
Although this interview took place just prior to IFI’s 2019 Faith, Family & Freedom Banquet, Rev.… Continue Reading
SPOTLIGHT: Rally for Jesus (Part II)
Written by David E. Smith
If you’re in need of encouragement (and truly, who among us isn’t), this edition of Spotlight will speak to your soul as we feature more prayer and exhortation from the recent Rally for Jesus. Rev. Ron Citlau references 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 as a model for Christians to engage with the world and strengthen the Church.
After the break, Rev. Ceasar LeFlore encourages us to claim the peace that Jesus promises to His followers and he passionately asks us to consider how the righteous people of God should respond when the foundations of our nation – truth, righteousness, sanctity of life, and family – are being destroyed.… Continue Reading
Biblical and Practical Considerations for the November Election
Written by Laure Lee Caum
As Election Day approaches, American Christians may be weighing their options for U.S. president and may have reservations about voting for either President Donald Trump or former Vice President Joe Biden. Despite these concerns, there are good reasons why American Christians might consider supporting President Trump in November. Let’s consider evidence from Old Testament history and President Trump’s first-term accomplishments.
The Old Testament is filled with accounts of God’s faithfulness.… Continue Reading
SPOTLIGHT: Rally for Jesus (Part I)
Written by Benjamin Smith
This edition of Spotlight features Illinois State Representative Darren Bailey and IFI Executive Director David Smith as they address attendees at a recent Rally for Jesus at Calvary Church in Orland Park. David relates how the current moral and cultural climate of our state and nation is expressed in Matthew 24:12 and he calls for individual and national repentance from sin that distracts us from serving and glorifying God.
Representative Bailey recounts his journey from farmer to school board member to state representative and he issues a challenge to the Church and her members to wake up and become involved in the political process.… Continue Reading
SPOTLIGHT: Attorney Jim Davids Says It’s Time For “Muscular Christianity”
Written by Benjamin Smith
As we dive into the last month of summer, David Smith and Monte Larrick welcome Jim Davids, attorney and chief counsel for the newly-formed Justice & Freedom Law Center, to this week’s Spotlight. Jim, David, and Monte explore the concept of “muscular Christianity” and a possible Christian “protest” response – Jesus’ Life Mattered. They also consider J.B. Pritzker’s executive orders that have limited religious liberty, recent legal cases involving religious discrimination and restriction of religious freedom, and concerns regarding how legal rulings that were made during the pandemic might affect a post-pandemic world.… Continue Reading