Don’t Put Your Light Under a Basket!

Don’t Put Your Light Under a Basket!

Written by Dr. Michael Brown

Whenever I hear Christian leaders talk about the inevitable collapse of the church of America (or elsewhere) I ask myself, “But hasn’t Jesus risen from the dead? Didn’t He ascend to the right hand of the Father? Hasn’t all authority in heaven and earth been given to Him? And aren’t we commanded to go and make disciples in His name and by His authority?”

If so, how then we can speak of any inevitable collapse of the church (or, specifically, of Christian society), regardless of how inevitable that collapse appears to human eyes?… Continue Reading

Survey: Liberal Millennials Outnumber Conservatives, Less Religious than Older Generation

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Written by Spencer Irvine

The American Faith and Culture Institute published the results of a survey comparing Millennials and the older demographic of Americans and they are eye-raising:

The Worldview Measurement Project, conducted by the American Culture and Faith Institute, reveals that Millennials are, by far, the generation least likely to possess a biblical worldview. While 16% of those in the Boomer and Builder generations possess such an outlook, and just 7% of Baby Busters have a biblical worldview, only one-quarter as many Millennials have a biblical worldview – just 4%!

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The New Democratic Party

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Written by Hubert London

Where is the Democratic party? The party of political giants like FDR, LBJ and JFK is missing in action along with the letters that defined its heroes. This is now the party of Obama, Schumer, Pelosi – a facsimile of the past and a party without direction and policy guidelines.

America needs a two-party system. Differences are desirable within a Constitutional framework. Parties have served the nation well; albeit exceptions abound.… Continue Reading

11 Times The Anti-Bible Democrats Cited The Bible To Defend Their Big Government Programs

Written by Aaron Bandler

The Democrats, as they are want to do, have put themselves into a logical inconsistency:

Indeed, the Democrat Party likes to invoke the Bible only when it comes to imposing their agenda onto the populace; otherwise they sneer at conservatives as bitter clingers.… Continue Reading

State Lawmakers Accused of Pay Raise by Committee

Written by Carol Ostrow

Illinois lawmakers are using a seemingly surreptitious way to give themselves pay raises: creating new and useless committees for which they are automatically paid an extra $10,326 as chairmen, a Chicago-based think tank is arguing.

The Illinois Policy Institute (IPI) says that legislation enacted in the House in January created 12 new standing committees, bringing the total to 45.

“In Illinois, bloat doesn’t discriminate,” senior writer Austin Berg wrote on the group’s website.

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Media Bias on Snooping Benefits Obama over Trump

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Written by Robert Knight

A week ago, President Trump unleashed a media firestorm when he accused former President Barack Obama in a tweet of wiretapping Trump Tower in New York.

The standard portrayal: Once again, the president has shot from the hip, right into his foot, “without any evidence” whatever.

These are the same media that excitedly accused the Russians of “hacking the election,” based on a report from the CIA, FBI and NSA in early January while Mr.… Continue Reading

GOP Replaces ObamaCare with SwampCare

GOP Replaces ObamaCare with SwampCare

Written by Bryan Fisher

Well, now we know why the GOP establishment kept their ObamaCare replacement package locked in a room where not even GOP senators could read it. Everyone naturally wondered what they were hiding, and now we know. They were hiding it because it is a horrible, no good, very bad piece of legislation.

If it repeals ObamaCare in any meaningful sense (and it doesn’t), it only replaces it with something as bad if not worse.… Continue Reading

No Room for Pro-Lifers in Dem Party, says Dean

keep abortion legal abortion kills signs

Written by Michael Haverluck

With Democratic National Committee Chair (DNC) Tom Perez now leading the Democratic Party in a new Trump era after suffering severe losses in the November election, former DNC Chair Howard Dean stressed that his party must purge itself of pro-life advocates in order to stage a comeback.

When Dean spoke with Joe Scarborough of MSNBC’s Morning Joe, the co-host brought up a previous interview he had with former Gov. Steve Beshear (D-Ky.),… Continue Reading

How Taxpayers Fund Anti-Trump Protests

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Written by Cliff Kincaid

On “Fox & Friends,” President Donald Trump declared, in regard to the protests against him, “I think that President Obama’s behind it because his people are certainly behind it.” Once again, Trump has struck gold. It’s “gold” in the form of taxpayer money. In addition to funding from billionaire hedge fund operator George Soros, we find a federal financial connection to some of the anti-Trump protests.

The good news for Trump in this case is that his administration, supported by Republicans in Congress, can cut off the federal money.… Continue Reading

INFOGRAPHIC: Liberal Protesters have Disrupted Fourteen GOP Townhalls So Far

Written by Spencer Irvine

This is a follow-up to our previous post on the disruption of town halls across the nation due to left-wing protesters, who aren’t from the area where the town halls are being held, and where the liberal media praised the protesters for standing up to the Republicans and President Donald Trump. The protesters praise themselves on a website and at the Town Hall Project.

So far, fourteen Republicans have seen their town halls disrupted by left-wing protesters.… Continue Reading