Posts tagged: Workers Compensation

Last Pro-Life Democrat in the U.S. House in Trouble as Recent Ratings Changes Confirm

by John Lopez

The first primary in 2022 is Texas on March 1, and in-person early voting began on Monday, February 14.

Like Illinois, Texas has an open primary election, and voter registration in Texas does not require the declaration of a political party for a registered voter, meaning any registered voter can vote in the primary of their choice on primary election day.

But unlike Illinois, Texas’ nominating primary is not winner-take-all. The winner of the primary must earn 50%+1 of the vote. … Continue Reading

Illinois House Balks on Real Workers’ Compensation Reform

Michael Madigan

Written by Heather Niemetschek

On June 4, the Illinois House of Representatives passed House Bill 1287, including three amendments that made up the Democrats’ version of a workers’ compensation reform package. But the overarching theme of the debate was whether the amendments could be called “reform” at all.

A careful review of HB 1287 shows the House passed a bill lacking the cost-saving reforms Illinoisans desperately need.

Gov. Bruce Rauner has remained adamant for months that reform of the workers’ compensation laws in Illinois is one of the most important structural changes the General Assembly must address this session before the governor will consider revenue increases.… Continue Reading