Written by David E. Smith
In episode 30 of his newest production “Tucker on X” program, host Tucker Carlson interviewed two guests, Todd Bensman and Dominik Tarczynski, whose discussions revolved around the effects of illegal immigration. In a tweet, Tucker said:
What’s happening at the southern border isn’t just an invasion, but a crime. The politicians and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) responsible for it are acting criminally and should be punished accordingly.
Tucker shows a video clip of a crowd of immigrants running into our country, and in the background you hear the chant, “si se puede” – which is “yes we can” in Spanish. … Continue Reading
Written by Daniel Horowitz
When in global history has a sovereign nation’s own government aided an invasion against its own people? At this point, we could build a 2,000-mile border wall up to the heavens, but if we don’t neutralize the malfeasant leadership at the DHS, they will simply bring the invaders through the front door.
Much like gas prices, which spiked to biblical levels and then settled at a very high and unacceptable baseline, the border numbers are still extremely high, but slightly off their peak.… Continue Reading
Tags: Bill Melugin, Border Patrol, DHS, Donald Trump, Fox News, illegal immigrants, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Rio Grande River, terror watch list, Todd Bensman, tuberculosis, U.S. Constitution
Federal Issues, Immigration | David E. Smith |
August 1, 2023 7:00 AM |
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Written by Daniel Horowitz
Here’s a novel question: We are all struggling with a cumbersome and expensive health care industry, trying to find ways to fix a broken system for Americans. Why on earth would we invite the rest of the world to access our system for free?
That was essentially the question pro-sovereignty figures in the Trump administration asked before they pushed for the new rule announced Friday to bar admission of those immigrants who show up at our hospitals without insurance or any way to pay out of pocket.… Continue Reading
Tags: Bernie Sanders, Center for Immigration Studies, Chris Jacobs, Donald J. Trump, green card, Hillary Clinton, Immigration and Nationality Act, permanent resident, Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996, Steven Camarota, taxpayer-subsidized health care, Todd Bensman
Federal Issues, Immigration | David E. Smith |
October 14, 2019 4:00 AM |
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