Posts tagged: The Lancet

Lab Leak Story: How Elite Scientists Lied and Concealed the Truth

Written by Michael Barone

When the Wall Street Journal reported in a front-page lead story that the Department of Energy had concluded the COVID-19 pandemic resulted from a leak from China’s Wuhan laboratory, you might have argued it was old news. The FBI had already, it turns out, come to the same conclusion and with a higher degree of confidence (moderate) than the Energy Department (low).

Those agencies’ conclusions, moreover, came as a result of a May 21 directive from President Joe Biden to multiple intelligence agencies to review two “equally plausible scenarios” for COVID’s origin, “whether it emerged from human contact with an infected animal” (the zoonotic theory) “or from a laboratory accident” (the lab leak theory).… Continue Reading

It’s Time to Put a Nail in The Coffin of The Mask Religion Once And For All

Written by Daniel Horowitz

God created our faces in his image, but in 2020 the biomedical fascists sought to erase our faces and turn us into faceless AI bots. From rape victims being denied care for not wearing the dirty face diapers to crying children being dragged off planes and teens being handcuffed in school, the masking regime was perhaps the most barbaric, inhumane, and illogical idea ever conceived by government and permeating the so-called private sector.… Continue Reading