Posts tagged: stimulus bill

Render Unto Biden? Dems’ Appetite for Revenue Will Make Taxes Go Through the Roof

Written by Robert Knight

It’s tax season again and Caesar wants his cut.

The national debt is approaching $30 trillion, and Congress just added 2 more trillion for more “COVID-19 relief.”

The current bill [just passed] by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer is composed of massive pork barrel spending and a bail-out for high-tax Democratic states that have mismanaged their finances. Oh, and some more money for COVID-related economic distress on the heels of the earlier $4 trillion, of which $1 trillion has yet to be released.… Continue Reading

The Worst Time for Congressional Partisanship

Written by David Limbaugh

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi‘s attempted partisan sabotage of the coronavirus relief bill might mark a new low for her. That the bill finally passed doesn’t excuse her reckless gamesmanship.

Republican and Democratic U.S. Senate leaders were close to an agreement when Pelosi parked her partisan broomstick and poured poison into the congressional punchbowl.

“Talking to some Senate GOP sources,” Townhall political editor Guy Benson tweeted. “They seem stunned and angry.… Continue Reading