Written by Nancy Hayes
The RESTRICT ACT combined with Albert Sensors….What could possibly go wrong?
Most of us remember this famous Ronald Reagan quote: “The most horrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help”.
Unfortunately, the government doesn’t always tell us what we SHOULD know, but rather what they THINK we should know or what they WANT us to hear.
Tags: Albert Sensors, Cybersecurity, Department of Homeland Security, Dominion, Election Assistance Commission, Electronic Voting Machines, Facebook, Hart InterCivic, Kari Lake, KnowINK pollbooks, Motor Voter Act, National Voter Registration Act, Ron Paul, Ronald Reagan, Secretary of State, The Restrict Act, Twitter, YouTube
Federal Issues, Voter Integrity | David E. Smith |
May 8, 2023 7:15 AM |
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Written by Tom DeWeese
There are many powerful forces operating today across the nation to divide the American people and silence opposing views. One of the most active of these efforts is the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).
There are two very serious reasons why the SPLC is in many ways more dangerous than other organizations that are fueling the flames of the far left radicals who use violence and lies to stop honest political debate.… Continue Reading
Written by Peter Gemma
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) claims to be a watchdog over “hate groups and racial extremists throughout the United States.” But perhaps the SPLC is a radical left-wing organization itself, with an extremist agenda of its own.
According to a June 21, 2017 article in the Wall Street Journal,
“Aided by a veneer of objectivity, the SPLC rightly condemns groups like the Ku Klux Klan and New Black Panther Party, but it has managed to blur the lines, besmirching mainstream groups like the Family Research Council, as well as people such as social scientist Charles Murray and Somali-born Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a critic of Islamic extremism.”
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Tags: Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Charles Murray, D. James Kennedy Ministries, Dan Stein, Dinesh D'Souza, Dr. Frank Wright, Dr. Michael Brown, FAIR, Family Research Council, Federation for American Immigration Reform, George McGovern, Gloria Browne, GuideStar, Jacob Harold, Jeff Sessions, Jimmy Carter, Joseph Farah, Ku Klux Klan, Laird Wilcox, Morris Dees, New Black Panther Party, Ron Paul, Southern Poverty Law Center, SPLC, Tom Tancredo, Wall Street Journal
Faith & Religion | David E. Smith |
September 2, 2017 1:00 PM |
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Written by Brittany Klein
Earlier this week, former Rep. Ron Paul explained to CNN why a libertarian cannot endorse Donald Trump’s authoritarian approach:
My biggest beef is, from a libertarian viewpoint, there is absolutely no difference, meaningful difference, between Hillary and Trump. They both support the military industrial complex, the Federal Reserve, deficits, entitlements, invasion of our privacy. And it’s super nationalistic populism versus socialism. That is so removed from what we need to be doing.
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