Posts tagged: RFRA

U.S. Senate Democrats Reintroduce Dangerous Bill That Could Gut Landmark Federal Religious Freedom Law

Written by Jorge Gomez

U.S. Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ)—joined by more than two dozen of his Democratic colleagues as co-sponsors—recently reintroduced the “Do No Harm” Act (DNHA), a bill they claim would help “restore the Religious Freedom Restoration Act’s (RFRA) original intent.”

To refresh your memory, RFRA is a federal law crucial to the protection of religious liberty. Signed into law in 1993 by Democratic President Bill Clinton, RFRA has stood for over a quarter century as a legal bulwark and helped protect Americans from government infringement on their constitutional rights.… Continue Reading

Cruz Says GOP Candidates Afraid to Talk “Gay” Marriage

Ted Cruz

Taking on the competition in his run for the White House, GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz says that there are many Republican politicians who are scared to jump into the debate over same-sex “marriage” and religious liberty, including some of the candidates he’s running against.

Written by Michael F. Haverluck

While speaking at the Watchman on the Wall three day conference that ended Friday, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz told the crowd of more than 600 in the nation’s capital that he is not afraid to champion their religious freedom. … Continue Reading

Republicans Behaving Like Democrats


Written by Gene Van Son

By signing the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) into law, Indiana governor and GOP presidential nominee wannabe Mike Pence briefly looked like a real conservative, trying to champion the Judeo-Christian morals and principles that made this country great. But within days of signing the RFRA, under unrelenting fire from the secular progressive MSM, Pence’s conservative resolve withered, and he decided the RFRA needed to be re-written ‘for clarification.’

Unfortunately, Pence is not the only Republican in a leadership position who doesn’t understand that the only way to stop secular progressive relativism is to actually be a Republican .… Continue Reading

Indiana’s Religious Freedom Attacked By Famous, Rich Liberals


By Alfonzo Rachel

Famous, rich, wealthy, influential liberals, from Cher to Kareem Abdul Jabbar using their status to oppose the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (#RFRA). They’re cultural icons, who’s backward worldview is valued by millions. Also here’s the link I Mentioned in the video! If you really want to see more artists promoting conservative values instead of the culture constantly being influenced by influential artists in opposition to to your values, please share the following link I spoke of in the vid!… Continue Reading

Mark Kirk Does it Again (Don’t Say You Weren’t Warned)

Mark Kirk

Written by Laurie Higgins

Illinois’ Republican U.S. Senator Mark Kirk has gone and done it again. He has once again revealed his traitorous willingness to embrace all things homosexual. This time it’s Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) about which Kirk made this feckless statement:

I strongly oppose what Governor Pence did. We should not enshrine bigotry under the cover of religion. It’s not just bad practice – it’s un-American.

Yes, there’s nothing quite so un-American as that pesky First Amendment of which Indiana’s RFRA offers some measure of reinforcement against the tyranny of religious bigotry and big government intrusion.… Continue Reading