Posts tagged: Religion News Service

Someone Please Tell Christianity Today There’s Nothing “Historic” About Heresy

Written by Peter Heck

Last week, what remains of the United Methodist Church voted to reject the authority of God’s Word on matters of human sexuality and publicly affirm and embrace sin as a tenet of their denomination.

There was nothing particularly surprising about the move. In fact, after having chased all of the God-honoring, Christ-worshipping, Bible-submitting believers out of their group, it was completely expected.

Not the Bee reported on their convention/rainbow circus HERE several days ago when it happened.… Continue Reading

Critical Race Theory is the Opposite of Christianity

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

This past week I was contacted by a reporter from the Religion News Service. His reason for calling me was to get my views concerning critical race theory. He wanted to know why I opposed it.

I told the reporter that I am against CRT because it is the exact opposite of the Gospel of Christ. “How so?” he asked.

“Well,” I said, “First of all, CRT is grounded in revenge.… Continue Reading