Written by Albin Sadar
I recently finished reading a very timely and hard-hitting book zeroing in on the American church called, Woke Jesus: The False Messiah Destroying Christianity by Lucas Miles. Much of what Miles writes about in Woke Jesus rings true with me and my experiences with what passes as a Christian response to the evil we see all around us and all over the world today.
The battle against evil is heating up, especially when we consider what happened just a few short weeks ago on October 7th in Israel.… Continue Reading
Tags: Ben Stein, Black Lives Matter, Christian Nationalist, COVID-19 vaccine, Dinesh D'Souza, Eric Metaxas, George Orwell, ictor Davis Hanson, Jonathan Cahn, Letter to the American Church, Lucas Miles, Naomi Wolf, rainbow flag, Return of the Gods, Roger Stone, Salem radio, The Eric Metaxas Show, Trinity Broadcasting Network, Woke Jesus
Faith & Religion | David E. Smith |
November 16, 2023 5:00 AM |
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Written by Robert Knight
If nothing else comes of the Los Angeles Dodgers’ bizarre embrace of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, it is striking evidence that a false religion is out of control.
Virtually all major league sports teams and dozens of minor league teams have caved to the LGBTQ religionists. “Pride” events dominate June, formerly known for weddings and Father’s Day. Talk about cultural appropriation.
The Washington Post recently devoted an entire Religion page to two articles bashing “Christian nationalism.”… Continue Reading
Written by Dr. Everett Piper
It’s a commonly accepted adage that if you want to make someone angry, all you need to do is criticize their mom. You can commit a whole host of sins against a friend or foe that will receive little more than a shrug of indifference, but if you suggest their mother is a prostitute, the gloves will come off. This principle holds not only for one’s biological parent but also for that “other mother” that almost all of us have in common: our respective alma maters, otherwise known as our local public schools.… Continue Reading
Tags: #MeToo, Bathroom Wars, bisexual, NBC Today, polysexual, pronoun war, rainbow flag, The Bluest Eye, The Gideons, Toni Morrison, transgender flag
Education | David E. Smith |
April 13, 2022 7:00 AM |
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