Posts tagged: Racism

Transgressing the Diversity Dictate

Written by Robert Knight

“All I know is what I read in the papers,” Will Rogers used to say when opening his vaudeville act. In that spirit, here are two items in the news that shed light on our current culture.

In a full-page newspaper ad that ran during the Winter Olympics, Edward W. Stack, chairman of DICK’s Sporting Goods, basically paraphrased Rodney King’s admonition to the Los Angeles rioters in 1992:  “Can we all get along?”… Continue Reading

Democrats Thrive by Keeping Americans Divided, Dependent, and Angry

Written by Dennis Prager

In almost every area of American life, the better things are, the worse it is for the Democratic Party. And vice versa.


Even today, after decades of feminism, most Americans agree that it is better for women (and for men)—and better for society—when women (and men) marry.

Yet, when women marry, it is bad for the Democratic Party; and when women do not marry, even after—or shall we say, especially after—having children, it is quite wonderful for the Democratic Party.… Continue Reading

Congressman Gutierrez Declares Political War on Retired General David Kelly

Written by John Biver

In politics, it is sometimes impossible to avoid encountering heated exchanges between political opponents.

Recently, Illinois Democratic Congressman Luis Gutierrez leveled charges at White House Chief of Staff retired U.S. Army General David Kelly. While Kelly’s response was pointed, it was not nearly as harsh as those of Hispanic 100 spokesman Steve Cortes.

First, a little background. Many of us have been aware of Rep. Gutierrez since he joined the U.S.… Continue Reading

BONUS: Neither Jew nor Greek — Neither Black nor White

Because racial tension continues to run high in our nation, it’s imperative that we take a few moments to address it.

Despite all the negativity dominating the headlines, the Internet, and airwaves, we must be mindful of the Biblical truths and principles that override sinful prejudices, biases, and emotions.

Serious Christians must rise above the chaos, anger, and anxiety. We must refuse to respond in kind. Satan wants to frustrate and distract us. He wants us to take our eyes off the ultimate prize of our calling.… Continue Reading

The Democratic Party’s Evolving Racism Toward Blacks


Written by Jeffrey B. Shellan

Democrats continue their 200-year tradition of setting low standards for African Americans.

“Rather I should die a thousand times … than see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”Robert Byrd, Democrat Senator (1959 through 2010) and founder of the Sophia, West Virginia chapter of the Ku Klux Klan (150 members)

“I did not lie awake at night worrying about the problems of Negroes.”

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