Posts tagged: Pro-Life Action League

SPOTLIGHT: Abortion Deaths Continue Despite COVID-19

Written by David E. Smith

During the coronavirus pandemic, when surgical procedures to alleviate suffering and correct serious medical conditions were deemed non-essential and disallowed, the “essential” dismemberment and murder of babies in the womb continued unabated at abortion clinics throughout Illinois, including Planned Parenthood’s newest abortorium in Waukegan.

Monte Larrick and Eric Scheidler recently met to discuss Pro-Life Action League’s response to the opening of the 18th Planned Feticide center in Illinois. Eric details how PP has exploited weaknesses in local government in order to open their facilities with virtually no opportunity for public input or opposition, and he explains how PP decides where to place their “health” centers for maximum traffic and profitability.… Continue Reading

“Killing More Babies During the Pandemic” (Illinois Family Spotlight #206)

A new Planned Parenthood has opened in Waukegan; even in the midst of a pandemic the evil want to shed innocent blood. Monte Larrick joined a civil protest outside the new murder center recently and conducted a short interview with the Pro-Life Action League’s Executive Director Eric Scheidler. They discussed the need for a constant pro-life presence outside the clinic, possible legal challenges to the facility, and legislative action issues.

"Killing More Babies During the Pandemic" (Illinois Family Spotlight #206)
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SPOTLIGHT: Religious Liberties are Essential in Illinois

Written by David E. Smith

While numerous businesses have been designated as “essential” and allowed to operate during the COVID-19 pandemic, Illinois’ governor has deemed houses of worship for all faith traditions as non-essential entities, denying people of faith access to these facilities for corporate worship and prayer.

Illinois Family’s Monte Larrick recently spoke with Pro-Life Action League’s Ann Scheidler at a May 1st prayer vigil, held outside Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago, to protest Governor JB Pritzker’s overreach.… Continue Reading

“We Need Our Churches Open and Operating, Not As Mere Monuments” (Illinois Family Spotlight #197)

While numerous businesses have been designated as “essential” and allowed to operate during the COVID-19 pandemic, Illinois’ governor has deemed houses of worship for all faith traditions as non-essential entities, denying people of faith access to these facilities for corporate worship and prayer. Monte Larrick spoke with Pro-Life Action League’s Ann Scheidler at a May 1st prayer vigil, held outside Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago, to protest Governor Pritzker’s overreach. Mrs. Scheidler emphasized that now is the opportune time to stand up for our civil and religious liberties, as well as step up our pro-life activism.… Continue Reading

“Why Rally, Why March?” (Illinois Family Spotlight #180)

In advance of the upcoming March for Life Chicago, Monte Larrick interviewed Eric Scheidler to talk about the big March, but looming in the background is the recent passage of a big anti-life law in Illinois, which prompts some to ask: why should we rally and march for life?

After that, they discuss activating more people for the pro-life movement, what the Pro-Life Action League does for the unborn, a potential legislative reversal of the parental notice of abortion in Illinois, how constituents could lobby their pro-abortion lawmakers against it, sex trafficking and parental notice, and is abortion coming to the public schools?… Continue Reading

“Rehumanizing the Baby in the Womb” (Illinois Family Spotlight #157)

Monte Larrick caught up with the executive director of the Pro-Life Action League, Eric Scheidler, at the 2019 Face the Truth Tour.

They discuss the psychology of the Face the Truth Tour, the danger and general unpopularity of repealing parental notice of a minor’s abortion, why now is the best time to meet face-to-face with your lawmakers, and new legislation that would repeal Illinois’ newest abortion law in addition to making Illinois a heartbeat state.

They also talk about relatively recent critiques of how Republican party leadership handled the fight against the RHA, and the easiest way by far to get started in the pro-life movement: 40 Days for Life.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Kavanaugh, Face the Truth, and Saving Innocent Lives

Written by Jenna Liz

During the most recent Face the Truth tour, Monte Larrick had a chance to interview Eric Shceidler, the executive director of the Pro Life Action League.  Their conversation takes place near the intersection of 159th Street and LaGrange road in Orland Park, one of the many places where silent protesters held up posters of the victims of abortion.

During this episode, Monte and Eric cover the importance of showing the graphic and painful pictures of terminated babies to commuters.… Continue Reading

“HB 40 is Having a Deadly Impact on Illinois” (Illinois Family Spotlight #105)

On a busy intersection on a bright summer day, Monte Larrick spoke with Eric Schiedler, the President of the Pro-Life Action League at the 19th annual Face the Truth Tour.

This edition of Spotlight features their conversation which touches on President Trump‘s SCOTUS nominee; how graphic images displayed at the Truth Tour debunk popular liberal talking points on abortion; possible Supreme Court debates on the Illinois’ “bubble zone” law; troubling news about the effects of the implementation of HB 40 (taxpayer funding of abortion); and how HB 40 will affect Illinois abortion law if SCOTUS overturns Roe v.Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Abortion is Expanding in Illinois

Written by John Biver

Ann Scheidler, the Executive Vice President of the Pro-Life Action League, joins Monte Larrick to discuss the Sanctity of Life in Illinois.


Since HB 40 (taxpayer funding for abortion) has been enacted,  a new Planned Parenthood has popped up in Flossmoor, with an abortion clinic in the works for Rockford, with rumors of three or four additional abortion mills surfacing throughout the state.

With Republican governor Bruce Rauner signing HB 40 and permitting taxpayer funded abortions, it is expected that the number of abortions will greatly expand in Illinois.… Continue Reading

“Abortion is Expanding in Illinois” (Illinois Family Spotlight #083)

Ann Scheidler, the Executive Vice President of the Pro-Life Action League, joins Monte Larrick to discuss the Sanctity of Life in Illinois.

Since HB 40 (taxpayer funding for abortion) has been enacted,  a new Planned Parenthood has popped up in Flossmoor, with an abortion clinic in the works for Rockford, with rumors of three or four additional abortion mills surfacing throughout the state.

With Republican governor Bruce Rauner signing HB 40 and permitting taxpayer funded abortions, it is expected that the number of abortions will greatly expand in Illinois.… Continue Reading