Written by Tim Graham
Whenever Barack Obama grants an interview to one of his adorers in the media, one who arrives bathed in the glow of servility, everyone should be reminded that this is a major reason why people don’t trust the media.
In every interview, Obama is treated as a global celebrity and as the wisest of wise men. One can understand a journalist offering more tender inquiries to an ex-president, but there is no difference in tenderness between now and during his presidency.… Continue Reading
Tags: Al Roker, Barack Obama, climate conference, COVID, gas prices, Joe Biden, NBC, Netflix, Ukraine, United Nations, Vladimir Putin
Climate Change, Media Watch | David E. Smith |
April 16, 2022 7:00 AM |
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Written by Tim Graham
The left claims that their most urgent battle is to save democracy, but when it comes to any questioning of the LGBT lobby, they are the ones who sound like authoritarians. The overtones are unmistakable in the “news” coverage promoting “dozens” of employees walking out of Netflix in Los Angeles on Oct. 20 in protest. The target? A popular Dave Chappelle comedy special, “The Closer.”
Tens of thousands of anti-abortion advocates can assemble and be ignored, but assemble two dozen transgender lobbyists and NBC and PBS will treat it as momentous.… Continue Reading
Tags: Amna Nawaz, Dave Chappelle, Human Rights Campaign, Imara Jones, Lester Holt, Matt Donnelly, Netflix, Steve Patterson, The Closer, transgender agenda, TransLash Media
Media Watch | David E. Smith |
October 22, 2021 8:00 AM |
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Written by Trevor Grant Thomas
As much as conservatives in America love capitalism, many U.S. capitalists sure seem to hate conservatives—especially Christian conservatives. On virtually every issue important to conservatives of all stripes, large U.S. corporations (“Big Corp” for this column) stand opposed—almost unanimously!—to American conservatives.
In other words, to the detriment of America and the truth, Big Corp has gone “woke.” Coca-Cola provides the most recent and egregious example of gross corporate wokeness. According to a whistleblower, Coca-Cola is forcing its employees to complete online training that instructs them on “What it Means to Be White” and how to “Try and be less white.”… Continue Reading
Tags: Adam Smith, Al Perrotta, Amazon, anti-white diversity training, Apple, AT&T, Best Buy, Big Corp, Black Lives Matter, Brian Schuster, Capital One, Chevron, Citigroup, Coca-Cola, Dell, Delta Airlines, Dominos, Donald J. Trump, E-TRADE, Equality Act, Food Lion, Gatorade, General Motors, Google, Hershey, IBM, Intel, Joe Biden, Johnson & Johnson, Jordan Davidson, Kellogg, MasterCard, Mattel, Microsoft, Netflix, New York Post, Nike, PepsiCo, Sony, Starbucks, Target, Texas Instruments, The Federalist, The Wealth of Nations, Trevor Grant Thomas, Uber, Under Armour, Warner Records, wokeness
Marriage, Family & Culture | David E. Smith |
March 4, 2021 9:00 AM |
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(and Nothing New)
Written by Ron Ewart
“Identity politics rejects the model of traditional give-and-take politics, presupposing instead that the most important thing about us is that we are white, black, male, female, straight, gay, and so on. Within the identity-politics world, we do not need to give reasons—identity is its own reason and justification. Because identity politics supposes that we are our identities, politics does not consist in the speech, argument, and persuasion of normal politics but instead, in the calculation of resource redistribution based on identity—what in Democratic parlance is called ‘social justice.’”—Joshua
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Tags: Alexander Hamilton, Climate Change, Cuties, Democrats, Family, FDR, John Adams, LGBTQ, Netflix, nuclear family, President Johnson, President Obama, Thomas Jefferson, Woodrow Wilson
Marriage, Family & Culture | Benjamin D. Smith |
December 15, 2020 7:00 AM |
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