Written by David E. Smith
Former competitive swimmer turned political activist Riley Gaines has gained significant public attention for her outspoken advocacy for common sense in women’s sports. Specifically, she became an activist for preserving women’s sports for biological females only. She argues that allowing biological males to compete in women’s sports can lead to unfair advantages due to physical differences that persist even after hormone therapy.
But even more troubling, and a focal point of her concerns, is the issue of privacy and safety.… Continue Reading
Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg
This episode of Illinois Family Spotlight is highlighting remarks made in August 2023, by Riley Gaines during a Will County Republican organization banquet, where she recounts her personal experience of having to compete against a biological male and the dismantlement of Title IX.
Riley Gaines made headlines when, in 2022, during an NCAA competition for the University of Kentucky, she was forced to share a swimming pool and locker room with male competitor, Will Thomas, who self-identifies as a female – Lia Thomas.… Continue Reading
Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg
In this special episode of Illinois Family Spotlight, Monte Larrick sits down with award-winning swimmer and speaker, Riley Gaines.
Riley Gaines was a member of the University of Kentucky’s NCAA swim team and the 2022 Southeastern Conference Women’s Swimming and Diving Scholar of the Year.
In March of 2022, Riley Gaines, along with her teammates, was forced to share a locker room and swim alongside a biological male, Will Thomas.… Continue Reading
Tags: Lia Thomas, NCAA, Riley Gaines, Riley Gaines Center, Spotlight, SPOTLIGHT: Taking a Stand: Riley Gaines, Title IX, Will Thomas
Faith & Religion, LGBTQ Agenda, Marriage, Family & Culture, next gen | Alyssa Sonnenburg |
August 30, 2023 5:00 AM |
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Written by Peter Heck
Although we seem to be eclipsing them now at a break-neck pace, another cultural watershed will be reached in just a couple weeks when the NCAA swimming championships are held in Atlanta, Georgia. That is the moment when the integrity of an entire division of college athletics will either be preserved or forever tarnished.
This type of melodramatic preface isn’t meant to heap scorn upon an individual, University of Pennsylvania swimmer Lia Thomas, tormented psychologically with gender dysphoria.… Continue Reading
Written by Dr. Everett Piper
M. Scott Peck once said that America had become a “people of the lie.” His point was that our nation’s establishment — our leaders in government, media and education, along with the hoard of mindless lemmings who parrot their every decree — have lied so often to others and even to themselves that they have come to believe their own deception.
“The central defect of the evil,” he said, “is not the sin but the refusal to acknowledge it.” … Continue Reading