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Mask off: Mainstream Dem Groups Unite With Radical Left

Written by Jordan Schachtel

Wondering why so much of the Left in America continues to be silent — if not rationalizing — in the face of extremist left-wing groups like “Antifa”?

It might be because much of the mainstream Left has chosen to link up with radical, fringe organizations that agree with much of Antifa’s communist/socialist/anarchist ideology.

In a blog post this week, the Indivisible guide — a leftist organization that forms coalitions of groups to advocate for leftist causes — has detailed how in the wake of the Charlottesville mayhem this past weekend, traditional left-of-center groups have thrown their weight behind the revolutionary Left.… Continue Reading

INFOGRAPHIC: Liberal Protesters have Disrupted Fourteen GOP Townhalls So Far

Written by Spencer Irvine

This is a follow-up to our previous post on the disruption of town halls across the nation due to left-wing protesters, who aren’t from the area where the town halls are being held, and where the liberal media praised the protesters for standing up to the Republicans and President Donald Trump. The protesters praise themselves on a website and at the Town Hall Project.

So far, fourteen Republicans have seen their town halls disrupted by left-wing protesters.… Continue Reading