Written by Andrew Harrod
Former Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) “staffers have admitted that the hate accusations leveled by the SPLC are a ‘con,’ a deceptive scheme to raise money,” writes PJ Media Senior Editor Tyler O’Neil. In his new book, Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center, O’Neil shreds the SPLC’s claims to be an impartial “hate arbiter” and exposes the SPLC as a corrupt, leftist smear merchant.… Continue Reading
Tags: Alliance Defending Freedom, AmazonSmile, American Civil Liberties Union, American Freedom Law Center, Apple, D. James Kennedy Ministries, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Dianne Feinstein, Family Research Council, Floyd Lee Corkins II, John Adams, JP Morgan Chase, Ku Klux Klan, Maajid Nawaz, Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center, Martin Luther King, Maya Lin, Morris Dees, Nadine Strossen, Ruchika Budhraja, Southern Poverty Law Center, SPLC, Sundar Pichai, Tim Kaine, Tyler O’Neil
Political | David E. Smith |
April 13, 2020 4:00 AM |
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Written by Michelle Malkin
ACT for America, a nationwide grassroots group that educates the public about radical Islam, was founded in 2007 by my vigilant activist friend and Lebanese Christian immigrant journalist Brigitte Gabriel. I was honored to accept Gabriel’s invitation to speak at her organization’s annual banquet at Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida, on Nov. 7.
Gabriel has worked tirelessly to expose the Islamic imperialist agenda of the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic state; barbaric practices of female genital mutilation and honor killings by adherents of sharia; and the whitewashing of violent jihad in American middle school textbooks.
… Continue Reading
Tags: ACT! For America, Alliance Defending Freedom, American Principles Project, Ann Corcoran, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Ben Carson, Brigitte Gabriel, CAIR, Carol Swain, Council on American-Islamic Relations, Daily Beast, Daniel Pipes, David Horowitz, Diana West, Eagle Forum, Frank Gaffney, Gavin McInnes, Islamic State, Jeanine Pirro, Jim Bridenstine, John Guandolo, Laura Ingraham, Laura Loomer, Maajid Nawaz, Mar-a-Lago, Marsha Blackburn, Miami Herald, Mike Pompeo, Muslim Brotherhood, Nicholas Nehamas, Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, Ron DeSantis, Southern Poverty Law Center, SPLC HateWatch, Steven Emerson, The Guardian, The New York Times, The Palm Beach Post, The Remembrance Project, Walid Shoebat
Media Watch | David E. Smith |
October 15, 2019 7:26 AM |
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