Written by Dr. Everett Piper
In his classic work, “The Book of Virtues,” former U.S. Secretary of Education William J. Bennett recounts the story of a young boy who brought death and ruin upon himself and his community by his lies. We have all heard the tale over and over again in our youth. It goes like this.
“There was once a shepherd boy who kept his flock at a little distance from the village.… Continue Reading
Tags: Anthony Fauci, Chris Cuomo, COVID, COVID–19, Gavin Newsom, lock-down, London Breed, Lori Lightfoot, Muriel Bowser, Nancy Pelosi, Sheila Kuehl, The Book of Virtues, William J. Bennett
Marriage, Family & Culture | David E. Smith |
December 14, 2020 4:00 AM |
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Dear Friends and Neighbors,
Across our country this year, Christians have suffered as governors and elected and unelected judges have attacked our most fundamental rights guaranteed by the First Amendment. In Illinois, under Gov. JB Pritzker‘s so called “emergency” order, churches have been closed and worship has been restricted. Businesses have been arbitrarily closed, and gatherings of pro-life and pro-family groups have been greatly restrained.
Unlike Michigan and Wisconsin where State Supreme Courts have overruled these unconstitutional decrees by tyrannical governors, the Illinois Supreme Court has failed to oppose these illegal lock-down decrees.… Continue Reading
Written by David Limbaugh
Just what kind of cynical game are Democrats playing in keeping Joe Biden on their presidential ticket when everyone can see he is slipping? How long can this ruse continue?
The real news is not that Biden is failing. It’s the Democrats’ fraud in pretending otherwise. They know he is not mentally up to the job, and they’re trying to ride it out, using the coronavirus as a cover to keep him hidden in the basement and exercising damage control each time he is flushed out.… Continue Reading
Written by David E. Smith
Give me your young, your old, your faithful masses yearning to worship freely. This revision of The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus could well be the rallying cry of Pastor Steve Cassell of The Beloved Church in Lena, Illinois. On this edition of Spotlight, Pastor Steve joins me for a timely discussion regarding the perilous intersection of COVID-19, governmental “authority,” and Constitutionally-guaranteed personal liberties.
Pastor Steve and I consider how churches and people of faith should respond to Illinois’ lockdown and examine the dangerous precedent that could be established by our governor’s abuse of his executive power.… Continue Reading
Tags: COVID–19, First Amendment, JB Pritker, lock-down, Peter Breen, religious liberty, shelter-at-home, Steve Cassell, The Beloved Church, Thomas More Society
Religious Liberty | David E. Smith |
May 12, 2020 5:57 AM |
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