Posts tagged: liberalism/progressivism

Why Liberals Need to Look Down on Conservatives

Written by Selwyn Duke

A common theme among progressives is that conservatives aren’t just wrong; they’re dumb.  Reagan was dumb.  G.W. Bush was dumb.  Trump is dumb.  “Knuckle-dragger,” “mouth-breather,” “stupid,” and “uncultured” are typical pejoratives hurled at conservatives, who apparently tend to live in trailer parks, require dental care, handle snakes, and marry first cousins.  Why, I had a liberal actor (excuse the redundancy) tell me once that I wasn’t necessarily bad, just not as “evolved” as he was.  … Continue Reading

The Religious Zealotry of the Political Left

Written by John Biver

Make no mistake, so many modern political battles are not between the religious and the non-religious. Rather, the biggest contests pit different religions against each other.

In this article, the topic is not the West’s clash with Islamism. That battle can be won again. It won’t be easy, but it can be accomplished. The list of battles between the West and Islam over the centuries is a long one. Here are just two examples where the good guys got the job done: Frankish military Charles Martel defeated the followers of Muhammed near Poitiers, France in the year 732.… Continue Reading