Posts tagged: Leon Trotsky

Bloody Century, Compliments of Marxism

Written by Ed Vitagliano

Ideas have consequences, and the worse the idea, the more widespread the resulting catastrophe.

The socialist theories of the 19th century – the most influential of which was The Communist Manifesto, written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels – led to terrifying slaughter in the century that followed. In terms of a death toll instigated by the mind of man, the 20th century was the worst ever experienced by humanity.

“Nothing in the long span of human history comes close to the tyranny, terror, and mass genocide caused by Marxism in power – nothing,” declared C.Continue Reading

What Lenin Said About Christians and Socialism

Written by Dr. Paul G. Kengor

“If someone calls it socialism,” said Rev. William Barber at the August meeting of the Democratic National Committee, “then we must compel them to acknowledge that the Bible must then promote socialism, because Jesus offered free health care to everyone, and he never charged a leper a co-pay.”

Barber’s statement brought secular progressives to their feet in thunderous applause. That included DNC chair Tom Perez, who says that democratic socialists like Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez represent “the future of our party.”… Continue Reading