Posts tagged: Leftists

PODCAST: The Disastrous Co-Belligerence of Never-Trumpers and Leftists

Never-Trumpers in a de facto alliance with leftist Trump-loathers of various stripes have apparently succeeded in their effort to elect a cognitively impaired man who claims to be Catholic while heartily endorsing a legal right to slaughter the unborn while making the public pay for their deaths. Never-Trumpers can now give themselves a hearty pat-on-the-back for an evil job well done.

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PODCAST: The Disastrous Co-Belligerence of Never-Trumpers and Leftists
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“Pushing for Generational Change” (Illinois Family Spotlight #220)

Our election themed podcasts continue with Tom McCullagh, a GOP candidate for the Illinois 49th senate district and a candidate endorsed by Illinois Family Action. McCullagh is one of those highly qualified men running to represent his district against the radical regression Leftists are pushing on Illinois. He joins Monte Larrick and David Smith to discuss the 2020 election and how important it is to the future of neighborhoods, the nation, and all the spheres in between.… Continue Reading

The Worst Smear Site in America

Written by Matthew Vadum

The far-left Southern Poverty Law Center relentlessly promotes the Big Lie, wildly popular in the media, that conservative Americans are racists and the real threat to the nation rather than Islamic terrorists.

The group claims the principal enemies of the American people are presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, conservatives like David Horowitz, and the Tea Party movement.

The SPLC is a shamelessly hypocritical leftist attack machine funded by radical speculator George Soros and a rogue’s gallery of rich people and established philanthropies that want to fundamentally transform America.… Continue Reading

ABC Still Ignores Obama Donor/Former Soap Opera Producer Being Named Ambassador to Hungary

Written by Curtis Houck

On Wednesday night, ABC became the only major broadcast network to not have covered the controversy over President Obama’s choice to name former soap opera producer and Obama reelection campaign bundler Colleen Bell the new United States Ambassador to Hungary.

The network’s zero coverage of this story came more than a day after ABC’s own chief White House correspondent, Jonathan Karl, grilled White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest on what exactly did Bell have in terms of qualifications for the job (to which Earnest was visibly stumped). … Continue Reading