Posts tagged: Katie Hobbs

Democrats’ Lawlessness Knows No Bounds

Written by Robert Knight

Lawlessness comes in many forms.

It’s millions of aliens crossing the U.S. border illegally. It is murders, rapes and drug smuggling by ruthless gangs that are exploiting a White House that is intent on creating a new electorate regardless of the cost to Americans.

It’s misusing the law ruthlessly against political opponents, such as a former president of the United States and his former aides.

It is turning security agencies like the FBI, the CIA and the National Security Agency into partisan, one-party enforcers and pressuring media and social media to suppress dissent.… Continue Reading

Democrats Are Throwing Kids Off The School Bus

Written by Stephen Moore

Have you heard the outrageous story of what happened recently in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania’s capital? Governor Josh Shapiro (D-PA), elected in 2022, had campaigned on school choice for tens of thousands of children, mostly minorities, who are forced to attend failing public schools in places like Philadelphia.

“It’s what I believe,” Shapiro, then state attorney general, assured voters as he ran for governor. Last month on a national Fox News broadcast, Shapiro was unequivocal in his support for school choice because “every child of God” deserves “a quality education.”… Continue Reading