Posts tagged: Joe Scheidler

“Pray and Work: A Tribute to A Christian Warrior” (Illinois Family Spotlight #234)

A hero on the front lines of the abortion war has passed on. Joseph Scheidler, the founder and national director of the Pro-Life Action League, has died at the age of 93. Mr. Scheidler’s impact on the battle for the life of unborn generations is incalculable. Besides his personal influence on pastors and other leaders, Mr. Scheidler was a street warrior, a relentlessly active presence at hundreds of protests and demonstrations at Chicago area abortion mills.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Pro-Life Veteran Joe Scheidler and Face the Truth Tours

Written by David E. Smith

Even as front-line medical workers valiantly attempt to save lives during the COVID-19 pandemic, the lives of thousands of unborn babies are callously and violently ended every day in abortion clinics throughout the United States. Longtime pro-life activist Joseph Scheidler isn’t letting the pandemic stop his mission to save unborn lives! Monte Larrick caught up with him at a recent Face the Truth tour near the Planned Parenthood abortorium in Flossmoor, Illinois.… Continue Reading

“If Democrats Get In, Say Goodbye to America the Beautiful and Hello to America the Ugly” (Illinois Family Spotlight #208)

The continued lockdowns–allegedly due to COVID-19–are not inhibiting pro-life activists like Joseph Scheidler from taking to the streets. The Face the Truth Tour consists of pro-lifers demonstrating in front of abortion clinics with graphic abortion photos to demonstrate the reality of abortion. Mr. Scheidler and Monte talked about how this tour got started, and why it is so effective and convicting. They also discussed the pro-life situation in Illinois and America, the hypocritical nature of the BLM activists, and election 2020.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: The Dynamic Pro-Life Duo

Written by Benjamin Smith

On this edition of Illinois Family Spotlight, Joe and Ann Scheidler join us to discuss some of their experiences during their 44 years of pro-life activism. Joe and Ann touch upon life issues before the courts and legislatures in Springfield and Washington D.C. and discuss the overall progress of communicating the pro-life message.

At the time of this podcast recording, Joe was just shy of turning 90 years old. He is the Founder and National Director of the Pro-Life Action League, and his wife Ann is the Vice President.… Continue Reading

A Dynamic Pro-Life Duo (Spotlight #044)

On this edition of Illinois Family Spotlight, Joe Scheidler and his wife Ann Scheidler join the program to discuss pro-life issues as well as sharing many stories about their extensive experiences in the pro-life movement. Joe is the Founder and National Director of the Pro-Life Action League, and his wife Ann is the Vice President. They have been married for over 50 years and have seven children and 24 grandchildren.

A Dynamic Pro-Life Duo (Spotlight #044)
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An Interview With The Racketeer for Life

Written by Benjamin Smith

On this special edition of Illinois Family Spotlight, Monte Larrick is joined by pro-life hero Joseph Scheidler, the founder and national president of the Pro-Life Action League.

Joe has fought for the unborn since the U.S. Supreme Court manufactured privacy and abortion rights with its 1973 Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton rulings. He was the target of a lawsuit brought by the National Organization for Women under federal racketeering laws.… Continue Reading