Posts tagged: Jeanne Ives

Chicago Tribune Dumps on Ives

Written by Laurie Higgins

Last week the Chicago Tribune Editorial Board, columnist Eric Zorn, columnist Rex Huppke, and “reporter” Kim Janssen all took shots at gubernatorial candidate Jeanne Ives’ campaign ad.

The Ives campaign released an ad that criticized policies using actors to depict the constituencies Bruce Rauner serviced through his boneheaded Leftist decisions, and Leftists became apoplectic. Actually, they mainly cared about the depiction of a cross-dressing man—or what the Left risibly calls a “transwoman” to conceal the existential and immutable reality of his sex.… Continue Reading

Mrs. Ives Heads to Springfield

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Voters Need to Know Where Their Republican Candidates Stand on the Issue of Leadership

Written by John Biver

The Illinois House seat that gubernatorial candidate Jeanne Ives is vacating has three GOP candidates vying to replace her. Ryan Byrne, Amy Grant and Burt Minor are on the primary ballot in the 42nd house district. At least two of those house candidates have chosen sides in that primary race for Governor.

Burt Minor is supporting Bruce Rauner’s reelection and Amy Grant has endorsed Jeanne Ives.

Only Amy Grant responded to the IFI Voter Guide questionnaire, and earned an endorsement from IFA.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: “A Man who Shot Both His Feet Off”

Written by John Biver

The Chicago Tribune’s John Kass recently interviewed conservative Republican candidate for Illinois governor Jeanne Ives. Their conversation helps listeners get to know the West Point graduate Ives as well as where she stands on the issues that face Illinois taxpayers.

Bruce Rauner is a failed governor that needs to be defeated, Jeanne Ives told John Kass. They discussed the press conference Ives did with Brian McCann, the brother of Dennis McCann who was killed by a drunk driver who also happened to be an illegal alien (John Kass wrote about the incident here).… Continue Reading

“A Man who Shot Both His Feet Off” (Illinois Family Spotlight #080)

Written by John Biver

The Chicago Tribune’s John Kass recently interviewed conservative Republican candidate for Illinois governor Jeanne Ives. Their conversation helps listeners get to know the West Point graduate Ives as well as where she stands on the issues that face Illinois taxpayers.

Bruce Rauner is a failed governor that needs to be defeated, Jeanne Ives told John Kass. They discussed the press conference Ives did with Brian McCann, the brother of Dennis McCann who was killed by a drunk driver who also happened to be an illegal alien (John Kass wrote about the incident here).… Continue Reading

Rauner was For a State Income Tax Increase Before He was Against It

Written by John Biver

In this age of fake news it is problematic to cite big media reports as source material. Nevertheless, when State Representative Dave McSweeney says that Governor Bruce Rauner supported a tax increase if it was part of a “grand bargain,” then there is a good chance many of the links below are more factual than not.

Rep. McSweeney has been the most outspoken critic of Rauner of anyone in the General Assembly, and he didn’t wait for others to go public with their criticism — he led the way.… Continue Reading

Any Given Sunday: Identity Politics and the Illinois Republican Race for Governor

Written by John Biver

Here is one definition of the expression “any given Sunday”:

It comes from American professional football, which is played (mainly) on Sunday. The full adage goes “on any given Sunday, any team can beat any other team,” meaning that a weaker team still has a chance against a stronger opponent. A related sports phrase is “you have to play the games (to determine the outcome).”

The IFI series on Identity Politics and Paraphilias continues to highlight one of the many the opportunities that the American political left has given the American political right.… Continue Reading

GOP Gubernatorial Primary 2018: Competent Uniter v. Incompetent Divider

Here is the WBEZ headline and lede for an article about one of the big news stories this week in Illinois:

Surviving War, But Not The Veterans’ Home
Since July 2015, 13 residents of a veterans’ home in west central Illinois have died
from Legionnaires’ disease. Eleven families are suing the state for negligence.

Typically this kind of governmental failure cannot be blamed on a guy who just took office less than three years ago. However, among the most publicized accomplishments of the Bruce Rauner administration is that fact that state-funded social services got short shrift during the two-year state budget impasse.… Continue Reading

National Review: Rauner is the Worst GOP Governor in America

Written by John Biver

Illinoisans have a lot to be proud of — we live in a beautiful state in the heart of America. Our people are hardworking, our soil is among the most productive in the world, our transportation systems are first rate, we have a world-class city and hundreds of great small towns. The list could go on and on.

But to our shame is our state government. Illinois is at or near the top on a lot of bad lists: corruption, tax burden, unfunded liabilities, and debt.… Continue Reading

Poll: Liberals More Committed Than Conservatives

Written by John Biver

When Jeanne Ives announced her primary campaign challenge to Governor Bruce Rauner this week, one of the most common questions was — can she overcome Rauner’s incredible war chest which contains tens of millions of dollars of his own money?

The question that came to my mind was — do Illinois conservatives who support Ives realize that they have a role to play in her campaign? Never before have the grassroots taken on a such an enormous responsibility than what they have between now and the March primary election.… Continue Reading