Written by Tamara Jackson
Support Three New State Reps Who Support Life!
Thanks to a super-majority of left-wing lawmakers, Illinois “boasts” some of the most egregious abortion laws in our nation.
On Tuesday, May 28th, the Illinois House voted 64-50 to pass SB 25 — an abhorrent bill creating a fundamental “right” to abortion throughout all 9 months of pregnancy. Three days later, the Illinois State Senate voted 34-20 to pass it as well. This past Wednesday, Gov.… Continue Reading
Tags: Abby Johnson, Blaine Wilhour, Chicago Tribun, Chris Miller, Darren Bailey, Democrat Platform, Emily Kelly, JB Pritzker, Lolly Bowean, Peter Breen, Planned Parenthood, Restore Illinois PAC, SB 25
Illinois Politics | David E. Smith |
July 12, 2019 10:00 AM |
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Pastor James Pittman Jr.
The 101st Illinois General Assembly has adjourned and the results are in. The state of Illinois is a moral disaster and about to get worse. Our lawmakers seem to be doing everything in their power to encourage and facilitate evil and debauchery. This legislation has the full support of Governor JB Pritzker, and further institutionalizes lying, vice, addictions, greed, corruption and bloodshed.
However, if we conservative Christians are honest with ourselves, we cannot simply place all the blame on our lawmakers. … Continue Reading
Written by Benjamin Smith
In light of Governor JB Pritzker’s avowed priority to legalize “recreational” marijuana in Illinois, this week’s Spotlight podcast is definitely worth listening to as well as sharing with family and friends – especially anyone who might be on the fence about the subject of legalization.
As a long-time Emergency Room physician (with a certificate in Cannabis Science and Medicine from the University of Vermont), Dr. Karen Randall brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the table as she describes to Monte Larrick and David Smith the devastation legal access to high-potency marijuana has brought to her community of Pueblo, Colorado.… Continue Reading
Tags: Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome, Cannabis-Induced Psychosis, Homelessness, JB Pritzker, Jo McGuire, Karen Randall, overdose, psychotic break, recreational marijuana, SB 7, scromiting, Suicide
Drugs/Alcohol/Addictions | David E. Smith |
January 16, 2019 6:00 AM |
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Written by Kathy Valente
Illinois State Senator Jason Barickman (R-Bloomington) has been an outspoken proponent for legalizing high-potency marijuana and he wants a “seat at the table” when Gov.-elect JB Pritzker and other Chicago Democrats move the bill in 2019.
Take ACTION: Barickman will be the featured speaker Dec. 4 at the McLean County Chamber of Commerce’s BN The Know event in Bloomington, titled “Recreational Marijuana and the Business Community.” You can register to attend HERE.… Continue Reading
Written by Pat Hickey
The Chicago Tribune writes that “The (Paul Simon Institute) survey found Bruce Rauner, the first-term governor, leading his Republican challenger, three-term state Rep. Jeanne Ives of Wheaton, 51 percent to 31 percent, with 18 percent undecided or favoring someone else.”
Before Ives’ supporters allow defeatism to creep in, here’s a word on polling from the American Association of Public Opinion Research: “[E]ven the best public opinion poll is only a snapshot of public opinion at the particular moment in time, not an eternal truth.”… Continue Reading
Tags: (Paul Simon Institute, Bruce Rauner, Chicago Tribune, Daniel Biss, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, JB Pritzker, Jeanne Ives, Pat Quinn, Rod Blagojevich
Illinois Politics | David E. Smith |
March 10, 2018 4:00 AM |
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Written by Pat Hickey
Polls–you know ‘scientifically conducted’ data collection, organization and dissemination that agrees most heartily with the conclusions crafted prior to research collected, organized and disseminated–have given Illinois its lofty position on what has been designated the “Right Side of History.”
The same such research sent people to the ovens in the last century and slaughtered millions of unborn American humans since 1973.
Illinois, the biggest laughing stock real estate on the continent, is usually on the “Right Side of History,” but people and businesses move away or avoid Illinois altogether.… Continue Reading
Tags: Bruce Rauner, Chicago Tribune, Chris Kennedy, Dan Biss, JB Pritzker, Jeanne Ives, Jimmy Kimmel, marijuana, Paul Simon Public Policy Institute, Tina Sfondeles
Drugs/Alcohol/Addictions, Illinois Politics | David E. Smith |
February 28, 2018 6:00 AM |
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