Posts tagged: Heather Mac Donald

How to Cultivate Racism and Hate in America

Written by Robert Knight

What would we do without virtue signalers instructing us about how hopelessly racist America is?

They’ve been out in force even more than usual since the tragic death of George Floyd and the riots that followed.  It’s hard to escape their false narrative, peddled by CNN, the major networks, every major newspaper and most politicians.

They say America has made little or no racial progress in the last 60 years, that the police are all wannabe Bull Connors, that income inequality is enforced by “institutional racism,” and that “America is a failed social experiment,” as Harvard professor Cornel West says.… Continue Reading

The Left Stokes Racist Flames and Demonizes Millions

Written by Dr. Michael Brown

It is insidious to watch the left do its dirty work of demonization. It starts with a narrative constructed on false accusations and misleading innuendos. Then, the narrative is repeated enough until it becomes accepted truth. Finally, wider conclusions are drawn from it, casting ugly aspersions on the innocent.

In the current iteration, the narrative began with accusations that President Donald Trump was a white supremacist and racist, fueled by selective quotes from his Charlottesville press conference.

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