Posts tagged: grooming

Democrats Fund Crusade Targeting Churches

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

If you don’t know what the after party is, you should, because it could determine who wins the U.S. House of Representatives, the U.S. Senate and the presidency this year.

Indeed, this movement is so insidious and potentially so powerful that it could determine the direction of the United States for decades to come. If you care about issues such as border security, confiscatory taxes, sex trafficking, how we educate our children, religious liberty, the right to bear arms, private property, energy independence, women’s right to have their own athletic competitions, drag queens grooming first graders in our public schools, and whether or not you can buy a gas stove, you should care about the after party.… Continue Reading

Parents Revolting Against the Perversion of Their Children Draws Fire

Written by Robert Knight

Parents are up in arms from San Francisco to Florida and everywhere in between.

They’ve had a good look at what the schools are doing to their children, and they don’t like it one bit. Naturally, the parents are being told to shut up and keep paying taxes to support an educational establishment that despises their values.

The media, like the leftist teachers unions, reflexively cast parents as the bad guys.

Fresh from its prominent role in gaslighting America for three years over the Russian collusion hoax, the “legacy” media are now eviscerating parents and politicians who are trying to protect children from early sexualization.… Continue Reading