Posts tagged: George Soros

SPOTLIGHT: Does Illinois Know What It Is Asking For?

Written by John Biver

Dave Smith and Monte Larrick recently interviewed Jo McGuire while she was visiting Illinois warning residents about the many consequences of legalizing recreational marijuana. Jo comes from Colorado, where they have had recreational marijuana since 2013.

Jo McGuire serves on the board of directors for the Drug and Alcohol Testing Industry Association and co-chairs the Marijuana Education Committee. She is also a DATIA Certified Professional Collector and Trainer (CPCT) and a Certified Designated Employee Representative Trainer (CDERT) who consults and trains professionals overseeing Safety Sensitive Employees in the compliance of federal DOT guidelines for drug and alcohol screening programs.… Continue Reading

“Does Illinois Know What It Is Asking For?” (Illinois Family Spotlight #091)

Dave Smith and Monte Larrick recently interviewed Jo McGuire while she was visiting Illinois warning residents about the many consequences of legalizing recreational marijuana. Jo comes from Colorado, where they have had recreational marijuana since 2013.

Jo McGuire serves on the board of directors for the Drug and Alcohol Testing Industry Association and co-chairs the Marijuana Education Committee. She is also a DATIA Certified Professional Collector and Trainer (CPCT) and a Certified Designated Employee Representative Trainer (CDERT) who consults and trains professionals overseeing Safety Sensitive Employees in the compliance of federal DOT guidelines for drug and alcohol screening programs.… Continue Reading

ANTIFA ALERT! Keep Your Eyes Open November 4, 2017

Written by Steve Huston

Love him or hate him; appreciate his stands or stand against him; for better or for worse; President Donald J. Trump is the President of the United States of America—OUR president. Denial doesn’t change fact nor does it remove the responsibility of Christians to pray for him and all citizens to respect the office which he holds.

Admittedly, there are times it is hard to know what side of an issue the president will finally land on; but this administration has claimed some victorious moments and—by God’s grace—given this country a reprieve from its quickened downward spiral which had taken place during the last administration.… Continue Reading

Petition: Declare George Soros & Antifa as Terrorists

Written by Robert Kraychik

A popular petition at the White House’s petition website calls for an official governmental framing of George Soros as a terrorist. It reads:

Declare George Soros a terrorist and seize all of his related organizations’ assets under RICO and NDAA law

Whereas George Soros has willfully and on an ongoing basis attempted to destabilize and otherwise commit acts of sedition against the United States and its citizens, has created and funded dozens (and probably hundreds) of discrete organizations whose sole purpose is to apply Alinsky model terrorist tactics to facilitate the collapse of the systems and Constitutional government of the United State, and has developed unhealthy and undue influence over the entire Democrat Party and a large portion of the US Federal government, the DOJ should immediately declare George Soros and all of his organizations and staff members to be domestic terrorists, and have all of his personal an organizational wealth and assets seized under Civil Asset Forfeiture law.

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What’s ‘Reasonable’ When Preventing Vote Fraud?

Written by Robert Knight

While Bill Clinton may still be pondering the meaning of the word “is,” a federal court in Miami is trying to define what the word “reasonable” means.

The ruling in this historic case could well determine how secure elections are all over the United States for years to come.

At issue in the American Civil Rights Union’s lawsuit against Broward County, Florida, whose weeklong trial ended last Wednesday, is what constitutes “reasonable” measures that must be taken to ensure accurate and up-to-date voter lists.

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GOP Governor Issues Warning of Plot Underway by George Soros

Written by Dennis Michael Lynch

In an opinion piece published in Saturday’s Washington Examiner, Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued a warning to the GOP that “Democrats in Washington, D.C. are plotting to pour hundreds of millions of dollars in state and local elections across the country” in an effort to buy back power.

Abbott pointed a finger at hedge fund billionaire George Soros, who is helping to fund the National Democratic Redistricting Committee so that it can take away control from voters, noting that congressional re-districting will go into effect in 2021, “when booming conservative states such as Texas will gain seats in the U.S.… Continue Reading

The ACLU’s Ex-Con Army

Written by Robert Knight

Not content with filing nuisance lawsuits all over the country, most of them aimed at thwarting the Trump administration, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is plunging into local political campaigns.

In Philadelphia, about 40 ACLU ex-con canvassers like Mike Twiggs, 59, who served 41 years for murder, knocked on doors and distributed literature keyed to the Democratic primary election last Tuesday in which voters selected newcomer Larry Krasner as the district attorney candidate.… Continue Reading

Raw Emotion, Not Science, on Display at People’s Climate March

… and the worst are full of passionate intensity.

Written by William M. Briggs

Madness. Last week came March for Science spokesmodel Bill Nye and his perversions passing for “science.” Now comes shifty George Soros with his tens of millions injected into the populace to stir up heated feelings of “science.”

We resist, they say. We build, they claim. We rise, they threaten.

These declarations are from the homepage of the People’s Climate March, as brave and as forthright as any communist slogan.… Continue Reading

Meet the Leftist Billionaire Who Outspends Soros on Politics

Business man with lots of cash.

Written by Robert Eno

Most people who pay attention to politics assume that George Soros is the largest financier of leftist election candidates. While he may have the largest non-profit funding network, Soros is not the person who spent the most directly helping candidates through superPACs or other organizations in 2016. That person is Tom Steyer, a former hedge fund executive who made his fortune in the fossil fuel industry. The Washington Post reported Steyer spent $66.3 million helping Democrats in the 2016 cycle, and the Washington Times reports that the final spend was north of $85 million.… Continue Reading

How Taxpayers Fund Anti-Trump Protests

Image result for anti trump protest

Written by Cliff Kincaid

On “Fox & Friends,” President Donald Trump declared, in regard to the protests against him, “I think that President Obama’s behind it because his people are certainly behind it.” Once again, Trump has struck gold. It’s “gold” in the form of taxpayer money. In addition to funding from billionaire hedge fund operator George Soros, we find a federal financial connection to some of the anti-Trump protests.

The good news for Trump in this case is that his administration, supported by Republicans in Congress, can cut off the federal money.… Continue Reading