Written by Dr. Everett Piper
In 2013, author John S. Dickerson wrote about the troubling condition of the American church in his book “The Great Evangelical Recession: 6 Factors That Will Crash the American Church and How to Prepare.”
Mr. Dickerson‘s key premise was that Christian orthodoxy in the United States is in rapid decline. The evidence he presented to support what, at first glance, seems to be a terminal diagnosis is multifaceted.
According to Mr.… Continue Reading
Tags: Christianity Today, David French, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, generation z, George Barna, He Gets Us, John S. Dickerson, New York Times, Nones, Rob Reiner, Russell Moore, The American Psychological Association, The Great Commission, The Great Evangelical Recession
Faith & Religion, Marriage, Family & Culture | David E. Smith |
February 20, 2024 4:00 AM |
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Written by Rev. Jason J. McGuire
According to The Atlantic, over the past 25 years, 40 million Americans have stopped attending church.
Professor Ryan Burge of Eastern Illinois University states that 45% of members of Generation Z (persons born in the 1990s or later) have no religious affiliation. On the basis of this fact and of other data, Professor Burge asserts that nearly one-third of America’s 350,000 churches are “‘on the brink of extinction’” and that thousands of churches will close in the next few decades.… Continue Reading
Hail and well met! Welcome to the inaugural episode of Self Evident!
Hosts Jenna, Eliana and Kenna introduce themselves and why they decided to begin a podcast together. They–by discussing and dismantling subjects prevalent in the Western culture–want to make truth self evident again. Their goal is to to make current cultural events and worldview issues relatable to generation z, and point all those listening to the Gospel and what the Bible says.
Eliana’s website
Kenna’s blog: Good Clean Reads
Follow Self Evident on Facebook!… Continue Reading