Posts tagged: Fox News

Know Thy Enemy: The Difference Between a Liberal and a Leftist

Democratic activist Van Jones speaks to the crowd during the women

Written by Steve Deace

Never be disappointed when progressives show you who they really are.

Disgusted? Sure. That gag reflex you feel is a good and healthy response. But you must also acknowledge that leftists are doing you a favor when they cast aside their disguises and simply allow themselves to be seen in the full light of day.You know, like when they refuse to stand in the well of the House of Representatives when a war widow is being recognized during a presidential speech.
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Trump Revokes Washington Post’s Press Credentials


Written by Don Irvine

GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump escalated his war with the media yesterday when he decided that his campaign would no longer issue press credentials to The Washington Post because of the paper’s “incredibly inaccurate coverage” of his campaign.

Trump issued the ban in a Facebook post on Monday:

“Based on the incredibly inaccurate coverage and reporting of the record setting Trump campaign, we are hereby revoking the press credentials of the phony and dishonest Washington Post.”

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