Posts tagged: Eric Metaxas

SPOTLIGHT: Dave’s Banquet Exhortation

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

The first segment of this episode of Spotlight features remarks made by IFI’s Executive Director David Smith at the annual banquet. The second segment features a Q & A time with Eric Metaxas. You will love how he answers some pressing questions from notable Illinois pastors.

Though our present situation in Illinois celebrates radical abortion policies, an “untenable” immigration crisis, foolish gender confusion and sex-education in our government schools, Dave has encouraging words for his audience:

“Be encouraged.

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Hey, Woke Church, It’s Time to Wake Up!

Written by Albin Sadar

I recently finished reading a very timely and hard-hitting book zeroing in on the American church called, Woke Jesus: The False Messiah Destroying Christianity by Lucas Miles. Much of what Miles writes about in Woke Jesus rings true with me and my experiences with what passes as a Christian response to the evil we see all around us and all over the world today.

The battle against evil is heating up, especially when we consider what happened just a few short weeks ago on October 7th in Israel.… Continue Reading

Stopping Communism One School District At A Time

Written by Robert Knight

Once upon a time not so long ago, Loudoun County, Virginia, was the most conservative county in the Washington, D.C. metro area.

An exurb outside the Beltway with a high-tech corridor rivaling California’s Silicon Valley, plus the Washington Football team’s headquarters and Dulles Airport, Loudoun’s sprawling suburbia is supplanting farmland like super-charged kudzu.

The eastern part is home to more than 100 huge, gray “data centers,” through which more than 70 percent of the world’s Internet traffic flows. … Continue Reading