Posts tagged: Election2016

Both Candidates Hide Health Concerns


Written by Micahel Medved

Many Americans feel desperately dissatisfied with their choices in this presidential campaign, but they may take some comfort in the thought that serious health issues could yet sideline one, or both, of the major party contenders.

Neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump has released comprehensive medical records to address serious concerns about the physical condition of these two aging Boomers. If the 70-year-old Trump wins in November, he’ll become the oldest individual ever to assume the nation’s highest office.… Continue Reading

Democratic Debate 2016: Half the Country is Crazy


Written by John Zmirak

Watching the Democrats debate Tuesday night, my first reaction was the obvious one: Dear God, half of my fellow citizens broadly agree with these maniacs — and some of them are operating airplanes I might have to fly on. I really don’t want my life in the hands of people who think that money comes out of thin air, that vast federal programs are the answer to every American’s day-to-day dilemmas, that making tuition free will improve our educational standards … the list of rotted ideas and failed policies goes on and on.… Continue Reading

Dan McConchie Launches State Representative Race Before Large Crowd


Dan McConchie held a campaign launch rally for his race to become the next state representative of the 51st district Saturday afternoon before an estimated crowd of 200 people. It was held at the home of former Congressman Joe Walsh who is a constituent of the district and has already publicly endorsed McConchie along with the area’s senator, Dan Duffy.

Many of the attendees took petition packets vowing to help get McConchie on the ballot.… Continue Reading

Bobby Jindal Has the Most Amazing Response When Planned Parenthood Shows Up at His House

planned-parenthood-bobby-jindalPlanned Parenthood supporters protest actions by Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal
outside the governor’s mansion, Aug. 21, 2015.

Written by Ray Nothstine

By setting up a streaming loop of the now infamous undercover abortion videos outside the governor’s residence, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal challenged pro-Planned Parenthood protestors in an innovative way.

A half a dozen pro-Planned Parenthood protestors, many adorned in pink, showed up at the governor’s residence to decry Jindal’s actions to strip the popular abortion provider of state Medicaid funding in August.… Continue Reading

How 5 Republicans Let Congress Keep Its Fraudulent Obamacare Subsidies

 Graphic Health-care experts call it D.C. insiderism at its worst. 

Written by Brendan Bordelon

The rumors began trickling in about a week before the scheduled vote on April 23: Republican leadership was quietly pushing senators to pull support for subpoenaing Congress’s fraudulent application to the District of Columbia’s health exchange — the document that facilitated Congress’s “exemption” from Obamacare by allowing lawmakers and staffers to keep their employer subsidies.

The application said Congress employed just 45 people.… Continue Reading