Posts tagged: Donald Trump

Ted Cruz Tells Evangelicals to ‘Stand Up and Vote Our Biblical Values’


Written by Ray Nothstine

In a swing through Tupelo, Mississippi, last week, Texas Republican U.S. Senator Ted Cruz dropped by the American Family Association radio station for an interview and called on people of faith to “stand up and vote our biblical values.

“In this last election 54 million Evangelicals stayed home,” asserted Cruz on Tuesday. “If we can simply bring Christians to the polls, is it any wonder that we have the government we have, we have the leaders we have, if believers stay home and leave electing our leaders to unbelievers?… Continue Reading

George Will and the GOP Divide


Written by Jeffrey Lord

In every town large enough to house a college there is a faculty lounge at the back of which sits the local George Will, nursing his ever-present pipe and innumerable elitist delusions.

Because the actual George Will is a syndicated columnist, he can turn himself into an unprecedentedly and incorrigibly sniffy public preacher. It is his right to use his considerable intelligence as he pleases. His supercilious performance and its haughty disdain of civic life are costs of freedom that an open society must be prepared to pay.

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Score Card from the Big Debates


Written by Michael Medved

All Republicans should feel relieved, if not jubilant. Lots of winners who helped themselves, and no disastrous losers.

Major gains for Marco Rubio who was lucid, passionate, self-assured, Kennedyesque – cementing his status as everyone’s second choice, which may win him the nomination, ultimately. John Kasich also moved his campaign forward: starting in tenth place (according to the polls) he looked and sounded like a folksy, credible, mainstream contender. Jeb Bush, who had to overcome a recent reputation for bumbling and gaffes, seemed strong, capable, sympathetic, and accessible.… Continue Reading

Huckabee, Rubio Say Right to Life Already Inherent in the Constitution at GOP Debate ‘


Written by Samuel Smith

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., argued in Thursday night’s Fox News Republican presidential debate that an unborn child’s right to life is inherent under the United States Constitution and the passage of a constitutional amendment is not required to ban abortions.

Huckabee’s first response at the the primetime debate, which featured the top-10 polling GOP candidates, was prefaced by moderator Chris Wallace asking him how he would persuade Independents and Democrats to vote for him when he advocates strongly for constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriage and abortion.… Continue Reading

Trump On Obama In 2009: “I Think He’s Doing A Really Good Job…He’s Totally A Champion”


“Well, I think he’s sort of a guy that just has a wonderful personality,
a good speaker, somebody that people trust.”

Written by Andrew Kaczynski

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump praised President Barack Obama in 2009 in his book Think Like A Champion and on CNN’s Larry King Live.

Trump, who is currently hovering near the top of the Republican field in recent presidential polls, wrote of Obama in his book, “what he has done is amazing.”… Continue Reading

The Many Ways in Which Donald Trump Was Once a Liberal’s Liberal


Written by Hunter Schwarz

Has Donald Trump ever been wrong about anything? (Also, does he ever cry? Has he ever had self-doubt? Has he ever lay in bed awake at night crippled with anxiety?)

Perhaps no presidential candidate has the self-confidence he does, even in the face of some glaring flip-flops on his political positions. Where lesser candidates would dodge questions about why they’ve changed their mind or give a focus-group-tested line about how they evolved, Trump doesn’t admit to ever having a different opinion.… Continue Reading