Written by James Blair
The 1912 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois Volume 2 describes Sangamon County, home of Springfield as the “…low swamp lands in Sangamon County, and the green coated stagnant ponds that stood from year to year, filling the atmosphere with so much malaria that almost every man, woman, and child in the county were more or less afflicted with chills and fever…” Here in 2020 the physical swamp is gone, but a bureaucratic swamp remains stifling the growth of Illinois.… Continue Reading
Tags: Adam Neimerg, Andy Hires, Blaine Wilhour, Chris Miller, Darren Bailey, David Reis, Donald Trump, JC Kowa, Jeff Fleming, Martin Sandoval, Richland County, Richland County Sheriff, Springfield
Illinois Politics | David E. Smith |
January 3, 2020 4:00 AM |
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2016 Primary Election
We strongly encourage you to vote in the March 15th primary election. Prior to going to the polls, make sure that you know where your candidates stand on life, natural marriage (one man/one woman), and religious freedom. Please take a moment to check out IFA’s online voter guide at: ILVoterGuide.com
Illinois Family Action’s board members Dr. Barbara Bellar, Richard Hartian, Pastor John Kirkwood, Jan Klaas, Pastor Calvin Lindstrom, Pastor James Pittman, and Executive Director of IFA and IFA-pac David E.… Continue Reading
Tags: Avery Bourne, Brad Halbrook, Dale Righter, Dan McConchie, Daniel Swanson, Daniel Wilbrandt, David Reis, Ethan Vandersand, Herman White, James Marter, Jay Kinzler, Jerry Long, Jordan Thoms, Kyle McCarter, Max Solomon, Nick Stella, Patrick Harlan, Paul Serwatka, Reggie Philipps, Sam McCann, Sharee Langenstein, Ted Cruz, Tonia Khouri
Illinois Politics | David E. Smith |
March 10, 2016 8:00 AM |
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Written by IllinoisReview.com
Illinois taxpayers should be upset about the millions of taxpayer dollars that Governor Pat Quinn distributed to anti-violence groups in the Chicago, Rockford and Metro-East areas during the months leading up to his 2010 election, a state lawmaker said Thursday.
Earlier this week, the Legislative Audit Commission announced it would be reviewing Quinn’s Neighborhood Recovery Initiative.
Would this panel overlooking Quinn’s program be hinting of a pre-impeachment investigation?
“No, no,” insisted Commission member State Representative David Reis (R-Ste.… Continue Reading

Written by David E. Smith
Last night (1-09-2013), the Grundy County Republican Central Committee passed a resolution calling for the resignation of Illinois GOP Chairman Pat Brady to step down. Here is the motion that passed:
Be it resolved that the Grundy County Republican Party Central Committee immediately send correspondence to the Illinois Republican State Central Committee calling for the resignation of Patrick Brady as the State Chairman of the Illinois Republican Party and for his replacement by someone who supports the 2012 Platform of the Illinois Republican Party, including its position supporting traditional marriage and the traditional family.
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