Posts tagged: criminal justice reform

Justice for David Dorn?

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Man Accused of Killing Retired Black Cop Never Served a Day of 7-Year Sentence

Had our criminal justice system been working the way it should, perhaps retired police officer David Dorn would still be alive today. Yet there will be no calls for true criminal justice reform to ensure that repeat violent felons like Dorn’s suspected murderer are locked up, even as there is rioting for justice for George Floyd when justice is already well on its way to being served.… Continue Reading

Exposed: The Big Lie of The ‘Criminal Justice Reform’ Movement is Killing People — Including Police

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Every Democrat presidential candidate and too many Republicans repeat the lie that too many people are locked up for too long for first-time, non-violent offense. The dirty little secret is that most of the prison population is composed of repeat violent criminals, who are already given too many leniencies and not locked up long enough. Continuing this trend of loosening sentences, avoiding incarceration, and sometimes even avoiding arrests just to lower the prison population will induce a massive crime wave.… Continue Reading

The Same People Who Pushed Early Release For Gun Felons Now Want to Take Guns Without Due Process

Written by Daniel Horowitz

For every person who fits the profile of the El Paso shooter, there are likely thousands who fit the profile of Maurice Hill, the man arrested for shooting six cops in north Philadelphia [last week]. Based on a quick look at court documents from Philadelphia and Delaware Counties, Hill has a rap sheet dating back to 2001 that includes charges for illegal gun possession, drugs, driving offenses, assault, burglary, theft, robbery, kidnapping, and attempted murder.… Continue Reading