Posts tagged: Coal

Fracking, Energy Renaissance, and the Russian Resistance: Why does it Matter for Developing Countries?

Written by Vjay Jayara

The U.S. sailed into an era of energy abundance following the natural gas boom. But the replication of the American energy story in other countries is facing a stern challenge from radical environmental groups.

Why is hydraulic fracturing important for developing countries and why should they be wary of radical environmental groups?

The shale gas boom in the U.S. has led to the American Energy Renaissance—a period of energy abundance from diverse sources such as shale gas, nuclear, coal, hydroelectric, renewables, petroleum, and others.… Continue Reading

Illinois Conservatives Send Santa An Open Letter

Dear Santa,

We know you’re very busy this time of year, but we hope you’ll take a moment to consider our Christmas wish list.

As you know, we’ve been very good for goodness sake. You see us when we’re sleeping and you know when we’re awake, so you know many of us got very little sleep the past several election cycles. We were very busy contacting voters, raising funds, knocking on doors, attending fundraisers and supporting good candidates.… Continue Reading