Posts tagged: Christianity

SPOTLIGHT: Education is Possible

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

In this special episode of Illinois Family Spotlight, Pastor Ceasar LeFlore sits down with Latasha Fields to discuss education, parental rights, and community empowerment.

Latasha Fields has been a home educator for over 18 years and her passion for parental rights and quality education is evident. She is a former candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Illinois, is a critic of the public school system, and has even testified before the U.S. Congress on “Poverty in America: Economic Realities of Struggling Families.”… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Should Illinois Legalize Assisted Suicide?

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

Should Illinois legalize assisted suicide?

To answer this question, this episode of Illinois Family Spotlight will feature Dr. Benjamin German and the remarks he gave in a special forum on assisted suicide to answer this important question.

Dr. German is a primary caregiver in the Lawndale Christian Health Center on Chicago’s West side. He is also an Illinois Representative in the Academy of Medical Ethics, the biomedical arm of the Christian Medical & Dental Associations.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Good Soil, Good Seed

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

“Every Home a School. Every Church an Academy.”

Reverend Ceasar LeFlore is the pastor of Spirit of Liberty Church of God, is an IFI Board Member, is the field director for Public School Exit in Illinois, and is the executive director of the Good Soil Good Seed Christian Education Foundation.

Good Soil, Good Seed is an education foundation that is dedicated to enabling families to take their children out of the public school system, and they accomplish this through generous grants and scholarships.… Continue Reading

No Moral Equivalency Between The Left and The Right

Written by Brandon Myers

Though some foolish, uniformed, and lazy voices would claim otherwise, there is little to no moral equivalency between the platforms and positions of the left and the right.

The Democrats and the Republicans are at odds with one another on a number of vital issues.

The Democrats are a proud, death-cult political party that celebrates what God hates.

As Dr. Andrew Walker notes, the Democratic platform, written by their key leaders, is the most radical platform in U.S.Continue Reading

Voting to God’s Glory and for the Good of Our Beloved Country and Countrymen

Written by Brandon Myers

Praise God that Jesus is still on the throne! But let us not lose sight of the mission He has given us to be salt and light in a darkening and decaying nation!

According to a recent study as many as 41 million (!) born-again Christians may not vote in this upcoming election. A leading reason for their decision to sit out and not exercising their God-given and blessed right of voting: apathy.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Illinois, Go Vote!

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

Is it a Christian’s duty to vote?

According to research conducted by Barna, 41 million professing Christians and 32 million mainline Christians are not planning on voting in the upcoming general election.

In this episode of Illinois Family Spotlight, Monte Larrick sits down with David Smith, Executive Director of Illinois Family Institute and Illinois Family Action, to discuss the results of this research study.

“Romans 13 tells us that all authority is ordained by God… Who is the authority in America?

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To My Anti-Trump Friends

Written by Rev. Thorin Anderson

It appears that many people are voting for Kamala Harris as a reaction against Donald Trump. Is that you? Some people don’t care for politics and pay little attention to the issues until the election is upon them. Maybe you are one of them.

You simply follow the lead of your friends. You trust them. Whoever they support you support, or you trust whatever media voices you have tuned in to.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Toxic Empathy, Christian Empathy & Voting with Allie Beth Stuckey

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

In this exciting episode of Spotlight, we are featuring Allie Beth Stuckey’s keynote speech that she delivered at the annual Faith, Family & Freedom Banquet! Allie is a dedicated wife, mom, cultural commentator, and is the beloved host of her podcast, Relatable.

In her speech, Allie breaks down her popular catchphrase: politics matter because policies matter because people matter. Politics affects policy, policy affects people, and people matter.

“While it is absolutely true– yes and amen– that Jesus is coming back one day, He is not here yet.

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SPOTLIGHT: Building the Right Worldview with Ken Ham

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

What is a worldview and how do you know you have the correct one?

In this special episode of Spotlight, Ken Ham answers these pivotal questions.

Ken Ham is the founder and CEO of Answers in Genesis and it’s two popular attractions: The Ark Encounter and The Creation Museum. He’s an author and the #1 expert on the topic of Biblical creation.

“There are only two religions. There are only two foundations that build your worldview.

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Christians Voting for Trump?

Written by Pastor Calvin Lindstrom

Recently, one of my former students sent me a link to a video. It comes from a TikTok account, canceledchristian, which contains content from a young woman raised in a Christian fundamentalist family who attended Pensacola Christian College.

The purpose of her account is ”Exposing Christian Fundamentalism.”

In the video linked above, this young woman asks two main questions of Christians who support Donald Trump.

1] Why do Christians believe Donald Trump is a Christian?… Continue Reading