Posts tagged: Breitbart

Climate Democracy Dies in Darkness

Written by Tim Graham

A British leftist group calling itself the Center for Countering Digital Hate has issued a report on what it calls the “Toxic Ten,” which are so-called fringe websites spreading “climate change denial.” The ten include our group, the Media Research Center, as well as Breitbart, The Daily Wire, Townhall Media, Newsmax, The Washington Times and The Western Journal.

So, any challenge to Greenpeace climate-crackdown orthodoxy is now classified as “toxic” and “digital hate.”… Continue Reading

The Alt Right, Donald Trump, and – Oddly Enough – Darwin


Written by Denyse O’Leary

The term “alt right” is thrown around a lot these days to account for Donald Trump’s winning the U.S. presidency. Mainstream media, blindsided by results they should have been able to predict, are deflecting blame. Many conjure a vast, shadowy, menacing group that propelled Trump to power in hidden ways. A more accurate story is more complex—and far more of a problem for the generic worldview of current mainstream media.

So what actually is the alt right?Continue Reading