Posts tagged: Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders Says ISIS Exacerbated by Climate Change


Written by Jeffrey Meyer

During an appearance on CBS’s Face the Nation Sunday, Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan strongly rebuked Bernie Sanders’ claim during Saturday’s Democratic presidential debate that climate change has contributed to the rise of ISIS.

Noonan argued that Sanders’ statement “makes him to many people look slightly daffy like someone who doesn’t understand what the real subject is” because “[t]his is about terrorism. This isn’t about climate change and deserts and people migrating because it’s hot.”… Continue Reading

God Help Us All

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Bernie Sanders Praises Communist Dictator For Transforming His Nation


Written by Onan Coca

My grandparents fled Cuba in the 1960’s on sponsored “Freedom Flights” thanks to the kindness of relatives in the USA and the willingness to enter an uncertain future with nothing but the clothes on their back. Both sets of grandparents came to America with several children each and not a scrap of their former lives, as the Cuban government forced them to leave it all behind — but they did have hope.… Continue Reading

Sanders Doesn’t Fully Understand Drug Use and Incarceration


Posted by Parents Opposed to Pot

During the Democratic debate on October 13, Bernie Sanders had a misunderstanding of the facts when he suggested people go to prison for smoking a joint. A few days later, Dan Riffle, a lobbyist for the Marijuana Policy Project, admitted on Twitter that it doesn’t happen. However, for the last five years, the marijuana advocates have aggressively promoted the misconception that people are arrested and go to prison for pot possession alone.… Continue Reading

Democratic Debate 2016: Half the Country is Crazy


Written by John Zmirak

Watching the Democrats debate Tuesday night, my first reaction was the obvious one: Dear God, half of my fellow citizens broadly agree with these maniacs — and some of them are operating airplanes I might have to fly on. I really don’t want my life in the hands of people who think that money comes out of thin air, that vast federal programs are the answer to every American’s day-to-day dilemmas, that making tuition free will improve our educational standards … the list of rotted ideas and failed policies goes on and on.… Continue Reading

Telling Moments From The First Democratic Debate


Written by Gary L. Bauer

Beyond Bernie Sanders‘ defense of socialism, two telling moments really stood out to me. Anderson Cooper asked the candidates, “Which enemy are you most proud of?” Lincoln Chafee said coal companies. Martin O’Malley said the NRA. Bernie Sanders said Wall Street.

Hillary Clinton said Iranians and, of course, Republicans. But when did she make Iran an enemy? As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton started the secret talks that led to the nuclear deal, which she supports.… Continue Reading

Fact Check: Clinton, Sanders Revise History in Dem Debate


Associated Press

Hillary Rodham Clinton revised history in the Democratic debate when insisting she’s not a flip-flopper on a trade deal she promoted as secretary of state but turned against as a presidential candidate.

Bernie Sanders overstated the share of wealth being taken by the richest Americans, a subject that goes to the core of his campaign.

A look at some of the claims in the debate among Democratic rivals Tuesday night and how they compare with the facts:

CLINTON on the Trans-Pacific Partnership: “I did say, I hoped it would be the gold standard'” of trade agreements.… Continue Reading

Bernie Sanders’ Siren Song of Socialism


Written by Robert Knight

According to the experts, much of the Millennial generation is besotted with the candidacy of Bernie Sanders. Note: Millennials are the largest voting bloc by age.

Born between 1981 and 2000, and mostly in their 20s and early 30s, many Millennials are showing up at rallies of the self-proclaimed “Democratic Socialist” U.S. senator from Vermont and cheering his diatribes against “the billionaire class.”

Like the Baby Boomers and Gen Xers before them, many Millennials are highly educated.… Continue Reading

Progressive Socialists Sanders Takes Nine-Point Lead Over Clinton In New Hampshire


Written by Patrick Rucker

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, a self -described socialist, has opened a nine-point lead over fellow Democrat Hillary Clinton among party supporters in New Hampshire, according to an NBC News/Marist Poll released on Sunday.

The survey showed that 41 percent of Democratic voters would back Sanders while 32 percent would cast a vote for Clinton if the poll were held today and Vice President Joe Biden were on the ballot.

Support for Biden, who has yet to decide whether to run after the death of his son Beau in May, was at 16 percent.… Continue Reading

The Real Drama is in the Democratic Primary


Written by Roger Aronoff

While the attention of the world was on the first Republican presidential debates in Cleveland on Thursday night, the drama in the Democratic Party may soon overshadow anything the GOP has to offer. Look at what’s happening on the way to Hillary Clinton’s coronation in 2016. All of a sudden, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), a self-identified “democratic socialist,” is within striking distance in some of the key early primary states. But the real action is with Vice President Joe Biden.… Continue Reading