Posts tagged: Barack Obama

Illinois’ GOP(P): Pro-Abort, Pro-Gay Marriage

Bruce Rauner (left) and Mark Kirk are pictured in this composite image. | Getty

Written by Pastor John Kirkwood

While Sandra Fluke and the “Abortion Barbie” – Wendy Davis were soundly defeated on Tuesday night and all over the country thrilling Pro-Life victories were taking place, Mammon and Moloch stole the show in Illinois. With Bruce Rauner’s victory in the gubernatorial election, there’s a new sheriff in town and he’s not partial to the unborn or to Biblical marriage.

Illinois was the cesspool that polluted the nation with Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Valerie Jarrett, and David Axelrod, all graduates of the Paul Alinsky School of Soft Insurrection.

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If GOP Blows Nov. Election, Its Anti-Conservative Strategy Will Be to Blame


Written by Brent Bozell

We are watching the wheels come off the most radical and dangerously incompetent administration in history. “I am not on the ballot this fall,” President Barack Obama proclaims, “but make no mistake: these policies are on the ballot. Every single one of them.”

This statement should be the final nail in the coffin for the Democrats. The GOP should be poised to win a landslide of historic proportions.

So why is there so much debate over whether they’ll win — at all?… Continue Reading

Obama Blasts the Media for Feeding “Cynicism”


Written by Don Irvine

President Barack Obama, who has seen his relationship with the press grow more adversarial as his administration has become engulfed in scandals and cover-ups, lashed out at the media for spreading cynicism.

Obama was speaking at a Democratic National Committee fundraiser in New York City on Tuesday when he made his comments on the press:

Too much is at stake. The issues I’m fighting for, the issues that I will continue to fight for even after I leave this office, those issues are at stake.

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Who Really Pays?


By Pat Hughes – 

In an interview with CNBC, President Barack Obama said: “if you’re basically still an American company but you’re simply changing your mailing address in order to avoid paying taxes, then you’re really not doing right by the country.”

The real question, however, is not why companies are fleeing the USA (and, likewise, states such as Illinois), but why the political establishment continues to drive them out?

If we are committed to “creating jobs,” does it make sense to levy the highest corporate tax rate in the Western world on our biggest and best job creators?… Continue Reading

JV Team Interrupts Prez Golf Game


Written by John Kirkwood

“The analogy we use around here sometimes and is accurate is if a JV team puts on Laker uniforms, that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant.” – President Barack Obama to David Remnick on the threat posed by ISIS

Don’t look now Mr. President but the J.V. team just truncated one of our own.

Is the decapitated head of an American journalist somehow less revolting when viewed from the presidential seat in Golf Cart One?

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An Inside Look at How Democrats Rig the Election Game

Written by James Simpson

Elections matter. President Barack Obama proves it every day as he willfully seeks to wreck our nation. But this is very evident elsewhere, too. The 2010 elections reversed decades of Democrat majority control in state houses. Since then, GOP governors and legislatures all over the country have been restoring sanity to state government. Most Americans don’t know this of course, because the media won’t tell you.

One good example is North Carolina.… Continue Reading

Retired Air Force Lt. Col. Makes Huge Stand Against “Clearly Incompetent” Obama

Originally posted at

President Barack Obama has not enjoyed many successes in his five-plus years in office, though the number of mistakes, scandals, and total failures continue to mount: Syria’s civil war continues unabated. A terrorist released from Guantanamo Bay is currently leading the radical Islamist ISIS group invading Iraq. Lois Lerner’s IRS scandal grows more damning with each new revelation. Obamacare suffers one legal defeat after another, with more likely in the offing.

The long litany of Obama’s problems has led an increasing number to wonder at what such an ineffectual person is doing occupying the Oval Office.… Continue Reading

Unimpeachable Tales in Washington


Written by Robert Knight

All this talk of Republicans on the verge of impeaching President Barack Obama is nonsense, stoked by Democrats and a few wistful conservatives who dream aloud about what, in a constitutional republic, should actually happen to a lawless president.

With Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) running the U.S. Senate, however, it’s not going to happen right now, regardless of the clear merit. If the U.S. House passed an impeachment resolution, Reid would give it no more respect than a used tissue – after waving it around to whip up the party’s base.… Continue Reading

Gaza, Liberals, and Moral Equivalence

Gaza conflict

Written by Michael Medved

A big majority of Americans say Israel is justified in its response to Hamas, but a CNN/ORC poll shows revealing ideological differences in attitudes toward the Middle East.

Among Republicans, 73% stand with Israel, and among Independents that support remains strong at 56%. But among Democrats, only a minority – 45% – feels the Jewish state is justified in its military response in Gaza to stop rocket attacks and terror tunnels.

This attitude indicates that liberals have not only lost touch with public opinion but they’ve disconnected from reality.… Continue Reading

Media Hit Obama for Placing Fundraising Above World Crises


Written by Don Irvine

Despite increasing criticism from the mainstream media over how President Barack Obama has responded to the downed Malaysian plane and the latest conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, the White House remains defiant, arguing that his response has been appropriate.

Rather than issue a statement immediately after Malaysian flight MH17 was shot down by pro-Russian separatists while flying over Ukraine, Obama continued on with his planned events, which included grabbing a cheeseburger at The Charcoal Pit in Delaware and fundraisers in New York.… Continue Reading