
Written by Adam Kredo

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) tussled with and shut down a group of left wing activists from CODEPINK on Thursday during a rally outside the White House organized by activists opposed to a recently inked nuclear accord with Iran.

Cruz was meant to speak at a gathering of around 50 protestors and lawmakers who had gathered in front of the White House to express their opposition to the Iran nuclear deal, which will provide the Islamic Republic with billions of dollars in sanctions relief while keeping its core nuclear infrastructure intact.… Continue Reading

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Written by Michael Medved

Americans who admire Donald Trump say they like the fact that he’s a “fighter” but they ought to realize that some fights aren’t worth having. Why, for instance, get involved in a major brawl with John McCain? The Arizona Senator is one prominent Republican who isn’t running for president, so what’s the point of insisting he’s not a war hero or, even more absurdly, denigrating his academic record at Annapolis more than 60 years ago?… Continue Reading



Written by Steven Deace

As we await Ohio Governor John Kasich, who is about to become the 16th and likely final GOP presidential candidate, the 2016 field is just about set.

It’s a strong field in terms of resume and talent. Perhaps the strongest the Republican Party has ever had. This only makes it harder for conservatives to discern who’s who and whom to support, especially coming off several cycles where the pickings were slim if you were a movement conservative.

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After the release of yet another shocking undercover video of a Planned Parenthood official negotiating the sale of body parts, Carly Fiorina has responded to the issue with a video of her own. In the video, Fiorina stands with pro-life leaders: Rev. Dean Nelson, Marjorie Dannenfelser, Catherine Davis, Dr. Charmaine Yoest, Lori Hoye, and Pastor Walter Hoye. Fiorina takes the opportunity to lambaste Democrats for standing up for abortion rather than standing up for women:

This article was originally posted on the… Continue Reading



Conservative political pundits are weighing in on John Kasich’s chances in the heavy-traffic race for the GOP presidential nomination.

Written by Chad Groening

With Tuesday’s announcement at The Ohio State University, Governor Kasich becomes the 16th and perhaps final Republican to officially enter the 2016 presidential sweepstakes. He enters the race with an impressive resume – a successful governor handily elected to a second term, and a former congressman who worked on foreign policy matters. But a number of analysts believe the Ohio governor waited too long, as he is only polling at 1.5 percent in a RealClearPolitics average of GOP presidential polls.… Continue Reading



Written By Stoyan Zaimov

Two GOP presidential candidates, former Texas Governor Rick Perry and Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, have weighed in on the Boy Scouts of America’s vote last week to remove the long-standing ban on gay leaders in troops. While Perry said the ban should have stood, Walker argued the troops should decide for themselves.

“I believe that Scouting would be better off if they didn’t have openly gay scoutmasters,” Perry, who is an Eagle Scout along with Walker, told NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday

Earlier in July, the BSA executive committee voted unanimously to remove the blanket ban, but said that individual scout troops will be allowed to set their own policy on whether to allow gay leaders or not.… Continue Reading



An immigration reform activist isn’t surprised Hillary Clinton is willing to double-down on executive power to grant amnesty.

Written by Chad Groening

The Daily Caller has reported that the Clinton campaign has decided to change the eligibility requirements for a contest known as “Meet Hillary.” The chance to personally meet the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee will now be opened to illegal immigrants as well as U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents.

Bob Dane is a spokesman for the Federation for American Immigration Reform.… Continue Reading


sen-marco-rubioWritten by Anugrah Kumar

Ten Republican presidential candidates spoke about their faith and how they care for issues such as marriage, religious freedom and defeating Islamist terrorism as they addressed a big annual gathering of evangelical voters at the Family Leadership Summit in Iowa Saturday.

The candidates spoke to the crowd and faced questions from the moderator, Frank Luntz, a political consultant and Fox News contributor, and the audience, with a Bible placed on the table next to them.… Continue Reading



Written by Russ Stewart

It is often remarked, not facetiously, that squeamish people don’t want to know how sausage is made and intelligent people don’t want to know how judges are made. The “best and the brightest” on the bench? Not a chance.

This article is not about sausage. In Cook County, it’s judge-making time, and it ain’t pretty. On June 25 and 26, at the Democrats’ “pre-slating,” 41 lawyers who are appointed judges appeared and begged and groveled for party slating.… Continue Reading


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“Well, I think he’s sort of a guy that just has a wonderful personality,
a good speaker, somebody that people trust.”

Written by Andrew Kaczynski

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump praised President Barack Obama in 2009 in his book Think Like A Champion and on CNN’s Larry King Live.

Trump, who is currently hovering near the top of the Republican field in recent presidential polls, wrote of Obama in his book, “what he has done is amazing.”… Continue Reading
