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Mike Huckabee continues to stand up for traditional marriage which encourages and strengthens conservatives. When asked how to overturn the Supreme Court Obergefell opinion, he said, “on the same sex marriage decision I would simply say it is not law.” This was at the National Religious Liberties Conference held in Iowa last week.

The 2016 presidential hopeful believes a president is to “uphold the Constitution,” which says nothing about redefining marriage. The founders wrote the Constitution and outlawed homosexuality.… Continue Reading


Written by Dr. Michael Brown

I have never officially endorsed a presidential candidate before, but I’m endorsing Ted Cruz for president for three simple reasons: 1) he is a man of unshakable, conservative moral convictions; 2) he is willing to take on the Washington establishment; 3) we need a radical shift in the direction of our country, and his team has asked me to help get out the evangelical vote.

Of course, I’m fully aware that a president can only do so much and that our hope for change must be first and foremost in the living God.… Continue Reading



Written by Kelly Riddell
The Washington Times

A mere 7 percent of journalists identify as Republicans, and when they do give money to political campaigns they usually donate to Democrats, lending evidence to Republican presidential candidates’ claims that they are facing a hostile audience when they deal with the press.

As Republican candidates prepare for their fourth debate of the primary season Tuesday in Milwaukee, the people doing the questioning are increasingly in the spotlight, with their motives being questioned by the campaigns, voters and even by their fellow journalists.… Continue Reading



Written by Erick Ericson

If you’ve paid attention to the “evangelical insiders” poll from the well respected Worldmagazine, you’d see that Marco Rubio does very well with evangelicals. It’s true. Rubio is constantly talked about in gatherings of Christians. They like the guy. I know a number of people who have shifted from other candidates to Rubio within the evangelical community.

Rubio also intends to pursue evangelicals aggressive and it shows. He just hired Eric Teetsel.… Continue Reading


matt bevin

Written by J. Matt Barber

And somewhere men are laughing and somewhere children shout, but there is no joy in Libville – the lefties have struck out.

But it’s not just liberal Democrats who lost big last Tuesday. The “centrist” Republican establishment crashed and burned as well, lending credence to the growing narrative that a thoroughly exasperated America has entered the age of the political outsider.

While the midterms saw sweeping victories for both conservative candidates and ballot initiatives nationwide, the big winners were religious liberty and family values.… Continue Reading


Written by David Uberti

AS THE PAST 24 HOURS of Ben Carson coverage have reminded, swinging for the fences can often leave journalists whiffing on solid stories.

Carson is the newly crowned leader of many GOP primary polls, and Major League media scrutiny comes with such territory. CNN and Politico obliged readers with explorations of Carson’s biography these last two days. Both pieces included illuminating information that cast doubt on Carson’s much-admired personal narrative. But both also overpromised on what they exposed, nullifying what would have been useful comparisons of how Carson’s burnished retelling of his past compares to an independently gleaned inquiry into it.… Continue Reading



Written by Doris O’Brien

Jeb could soon become a burning Bush, flamed-out by poor judgment, inept campaigning, and an unusual display of mean-spiritedness. His self-serving attack on protégé Marco Rubio in the last debate might well be the straw that breaks the back — if not the bank — of the Bush candidacy.

Naturally, the Bush camp is denying all pessimistic prognosticating. And there are plenty of talking heads who still stick to the scenario that Bush could win the GOP nomination.… Continue Reading


IFA_We Need You_Election Judge

Written by David E. Smith

This Thursday, November 5th, Illinois Family Action will host a special webinar meeting to discuss the need to recruit Election Judges and Poll Watchers.  This one-day position is extremely important. Serving in either position can help deter bad behavior and voter fraud. Join me and DuPage County Auditor Bob Grogan to learn about this important job and how you can participate in your own neighborhood.

To learn more, read these articles: Election Judges Deties and Responsibilities, Serving As An Election Judge: A One Day Commitment To Honest Voting and Serving As Poll Watcher.Continue Reading


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Written by Dan Witters and Frank Newport

Within the first two years after President Barack Obama’s inauguration in January 2009, blacks’ average life evaluation rating increased. Black Democrats’ overall rating rose especially sharply, but black Republicans’ rating also improved. During Obama’s second term, however, black Democrats’ average life evaluation rating has worsened, although it remains better than in 2008, before Obama took office.

Life evaluation by race and political identity

Gallup and Healthways measure Americans’ life evaluations as part of the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index.… Continue Reading


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