
Written by Karin McQuillan

It is galling the day after July 4th to be greeted by yet one more official at the highest level of government, who has declined to respect the rule of law in favor of giving a free pass to the Obama Administration.

FBI Director James Comey indicted Hillary Clinton in the court of public opinion by laying out before the TV cameras, step by step, her gross negligence in handling classified material, including Top Secret information that would compromise our national security if made accessible to our enemies. 

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Written by Bruce Walker

The lame excuse a sitting attorney general gave for meeting privately with the husband of a prime FBI suspect who was himself a possible target of investigation reveals, if we needed more revelation, the mental vacuity and profound ignorance of leftism.  Anyone familiar with the cognitive degradation of Marxism can see the pattern.

When the Bolsheviks first came to power, there were some bright, though of course wicked, minds: Lenin, Bukharin, Trotsky. … Continue Reading


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Written by William Parrot

U.S. House oversight revelations with new details surrounding the travesty of Benghazi in September 2012 meet with scorn and denial from a glitterati press bent upon carrying the water for an incompetent, disingenuous administration.  Utter disgust laced with a healthy dose of jaded skepticism should be the order of the day for every devoted American.

Reality of a world ablaze with global jihad against all civilized societies serves as stark contrast to the U.S.… Continue Reading


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Written by John Biver

Former Governor Pat Quinn, a fixture on the Illinois political scene for decades, has been on the statewide ballot many times, and also served as State Treasurer and Lt. Governor. Earlier this month, Reboot Illinois’ Matt Dietrich wrote this:

Before serving as governor from 2009 to 2015, Pat Quinn was known as a rabble-rousing reformer who, most famously, led a 1980 citizen initiative that cut the membership of the Illinois House by one-third.

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Written by John Biver

Former governor Pat Quinn agrees with Bruce Rauner, the guy who made him a former governor, when it comes to term limits. While Rauner continues to press for term limits for state legislative and statewide offices, Quinn has launched an effort aimed at the City of Chicago’s mayor. More on those proposals later. First, a few comments on the issue itself.

Limiting the years a person can serve in important political offices isn’t new.… Continue Reading




Written by Russ Stewart

How does one tell the difference between gravity and frivolity? The Chicago City Council is a superb yardstick.

The agenda of the council’s June 22 meeting will ensure a descent into the abyss of frivolity and stupidity. At that session, the council is scheduled to address such momentous matters as transgender or any gender access to public restrooms, along with a mandated “poop patrol,” with a swarm of inspectors empowered to find dog droppings on private property, bag them, ascertain the DNA, do a dog swab, and levy a fine of $500.… Continue Reading


Written by Frank Miniter

The Democrats’ “sit in” on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives is built on a narrative that casts them as heroes for the people who want to pass “gun safety” laws, and the Republican leadership as so uncaring they won’t move to stop domestic terrorists from buying guns legally for fear this might anger the National Rifle Association.

This is a false narrative.

The deception begins with polls. A CNN/ORC poll conducted June 16-19, is a good example.… Continue Reading



Written by Don Irvine

The terrorist attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando on June 12 has sparked the usual knee-jerk reactions from politicians and the liberal media for more gun control legislation, in the mistaken belief that such laws might have prevented the attack as well as future attacks.

One of the biggest lies with regard to the Orlando attack is the type of weapon that was used. The media are pushing the narrative that Omar Mateen had an assault weapon—originally identified as an AR-15 before being correctly identified as a Sig Sauer MCX—and that it is a “military” weapon.… Continue Reading



Written by Frank Newport

While Americans’ faith in many U.S. institutions has fallen from the levels of previous decades, the public’s confidence in the military has remained consistently high. The average confidence level across all 14 institutions tested in 2004 was 43%, compared with 32% this year. In contrast, the 73% confidence rating that Americans give the military today is essentially unchanged from the 75% rating they gave it 12 years ago.


The military reached its highest level of confidence — 85% — in March 1991, just after the first Persian Gulf War.… Continue Reading
