Investigating President Trump’s nomination for the U.S. Supreme Court, Judge Brett Kavanaugh brought back memories of law school and a nettlesome problem I observed in America. Here’s how I came to believe a Justice Kavanaugh will be good for America.
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In this week’s podcast, Monte Larrick has a dialogue with Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) attorney J.D. Mesnard at IFI’s fourth annual worldview conference. In the first half of the podcast, J.D. identifies the importance of ADF's Church Alliance program, which supports the legal needs of churches across the nation during a time in which attacks on religious liberty is seeing increased attack. 
In 2018, those who are in favor of law and order in America are called bigots who have no compassion. Millions of aliens have crossed the U.S. border illegally because we, as a country, have failed to effectively secure the southern border. We now have a president who is attempting to stop this lawlessness.
If conservatives really want an originalist on some of the most consequential issues of our time, it is important to ask nominees to the court questions about the role of the courts in constitutional interpretation compared to other branches of the government. If we could sit down for an hour hour of time with any high court nominee, here are the 15 questions and issues we would discuss.
People on the left are outraged when you question their patriotism, their dedication to the nation as founded and their respect for the U.S. Constitution as originally written, but they continually vindicate our concerns. The most recent example is the left’s unhinged mania at Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s inclusion on President Trump’s list of potential U.S. Supreme Court appointees. In times of perceived crisis — and this is certainly one of those times for leftists — they show their colors, and you can color them militantly opposed to Barrett, in large part because of her Catholicism.
Today is the last day of of our 2018 Summer Matching Challenge. Depending on when you read this article, we have approximately 14 hours left to raise the support we need to meet the this dollar-for-dollar challenge. Please take advantage of this opportunity to DOUBLE YOUR DONATION to Illinois Family Action.
This week, many Americans are donning flag apparel and singing “God Bless the USA” as they watch fireworks to celebrate America’s heritage. In earlier times, a Fourth of July Celebration was an act of unity, as our nation’s unique blend of people came together to show respect for our country’s icons and traditions and to celebrate its continued success.

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Public education issues, as well as an excellent alternative to public school, are the topics of discussion for this week’s Spotlight podcast. David Smith and Monte Larrick are joined by Dr. Duke Pesta, associate professor of English at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh and academic director of Freedom Project Academy, a K-12, nationally accredited online school based on Judeo-Christian values.
This week, citizens throughout the nation will celebrate the 242nd birthday of the United States of America with barbecues, pool parties, fireworks and, hopefully, prayerful reflection on God's blessings on the formation and sustaining of our republic.
The retirement of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, a Reagan appointee, has social conservatives celebrating. With a Republican-controlled Senate and White House, the timing couldn’t be better, so as to ensure his seat would be filled with someone from the right side of the ideological spectrum.